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“The virus is real” – Marseille News

Former BLACK SABBATH singer Tony Martin expressed support for scientists and clinicians in the ongoing fight against COVID-19.

Earlier today, the 64-year-old British singer took to his social media to share a photo of himself with his daughter, and he wrote in a caption: “She’s my daughter… she’s one real scientists working in real labs doing real work to help save real people. I will always stand up for these people and the community they represent. They have worked tirelessly with nurses and doctors to understand and overcome the pandemic we find ourselves in. They have provided us with a way out and ANYONE who ridicules her, denies her or misrepresents the work she does, will find me COMPLETELY steadfast, supporting the work my daughter and her entire community do on our behalf. I am extremely proud of all of them. The virus is real and the exit is real, we just have to do it. ”

On Tuesday June 1, the UK announced zero daily deaths from COVID-19 within 28 days of testing positive for the first time since March 2020.

The UK vaccination campaign is considered the most successful effort to date in Europe.

“Vaccines clearly work, protecting you, those around you and your loved ones,” the health secretary said. Matt Hancock mentionned. “But despite this good news without a doubt, we know that we have not yet conquered this virus.”

Martin has spent the past two years working on his long-awaited new solo album, “The spikes”, expected in the coming months via Productions Battlegod and Black star discs.

BLACK SABBATH released six albums with Martin singing : “The Eternal Idol” (1987), “Headless Cross” (1989), “Tyr” (1990), “Crossed objectives” (1994), “Cross Purposes Live” (1995) and “Not allowed” (1995). Finally, Martin and his “Not allowed”-the band mates were ousted when the guitarist Tony Iommi reunited with SABBATHthe other original members of.

Martinthe last solo album of, “Scream”, was released in November 2005 via MTM Music.

Photo credit: Rob Billingham

This is my daughter… she’s one of the real scientists working in real labs doing real work to help save real…

Posted by Tony Martin on Wednesday, June 2, 2021

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