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The virus does not strike believers?

Therefore, the Superior Court allowed believers to meet at 10 per room in a religious building, provided that the room had an opening overlooking the street.

As Mario Tessier wrote on his Facebook page, “if believers have the right to meet at 10 per room, that means that I could invite a dozen friends in my living room to watch the game because for us, hockey is a religion … “


If I understand correctly, I cannot invite my two older daughters to dinner at my place.

But I could meet them every day with my wife, my young son and my mother if this meeting took place in a room of a religious building.

Uh …

From kessé?

Is the virus making a difference? Can he tell if he’s in a prayer room or in a dining room?

It spares the faithful and only hits atheists?

Is he allergic to incense?

He pushes himself when he sees people on their knees, right?

I respect the health instructions because I am a responsible citizen. But when I hear silly things like that, I just feel like damning it all and getting who I want, when I want.

To hell with the instructions!

Are you kidding me? Laughs best who laughs last.

Here, I am going to fight a religion which obliges me to receive all the members of my family every Saturday!

The I-Caress Church.

Like that, I’ll have peace.

Want to become a member ? Write to me, I will baptize you by Zoom.


That said, the Superior Court is only interpreting the current law.

And the law allows the faithful to meet at 10 per room …

But not to members of a bridge club, a chess club or a scientific association!

Are you an atheist and you only believe in science? You are not allowed to reunite with nine of your friends, it’s too dangerous.

But you are a member of the Church of the Great Patofferie and you want to meet three times a week with your friends to ask your god Patof to end the pandemic?

Go hard, my friend!

It is an essential right!

In our society, we kneel before superstitions, but not before reason.

And after that, we say that we want to fight against fake news !

As columnist Guy Perkins said on my QUB radio show, what are the Torah, the Bible and the Koran if not collections of fake news ?

When will there be warnings at the start of each of these books that they convey ideas and values ​​from another era?


I don’t know what you think, but I have my damn trip.

Believers are granted the right to meet ten in a room to eat hosts and drink mass wine, but not to families to see their children to eat crisp ears and drink Santa Cristina.


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