Home » today » Health » The viral challenge of a breast cancer association that the A Coruña-A Coruña Firefighters have joined

The viral challenge of a breast cancer association that the A Coruña-A Coruña Firefighters have joined

That the Firefighters of A Coruña they are the best gifted in Spain it was already known in the Galician city. But there is no doubt that they are also among the most supportive of the State. The last gesture that has made them viral is the dance they have performed in favor of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Association.

On the account @Firefighters, have shared the video in which several members of the emergency corps leave while they perform the choreography of the program ‘El Hormiguero’. At the beginning of the recording, they challenge their colleagues from the Local Police of A Coruña to do the same.


The challenge, which has spread throughout Spain, seeks to draw the attention of those responsible for the Pablo Motos program to invite the association and get them to be heard. To participate, justYou have to post the choreography of the Hormiguero on social networks with a mention of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Association and the hashtags #masinvestigacionparamasvida, #CMMalhormiguero or #CMMdancehormiguero

“As a result of this ‘challenge’ we are getting many people to find out that this exists”, recognizes Olga Sande, a member of the association in A Coruña. It invites people to consult the entity’s website, which has one of its strengths in the mutual support among patients with metastatic breast cancer.

“Metastatic breast cancer is stage 4 cancer,” explains Olga, who recognizes that in this phase “there is no solution” but there is “six lines of treatment” with “very harsh side effects.” Right now, The only hope of these people is “research”, to which the entity dedicates all its membership fees and what they collect from events. “We know that it is the only thing that is going to save us,” says Olga.

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