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The Villar de Castrillón Palace residence gets rid of COVID-19 | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The Asturias Government has confirmed the healing of the affected 50 by COVID-19 of the nursing home Villar Palace in Castrillón.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Service, in coordination with the Ministry of Social Rights and Welfare and professionals from the Health Area III, has taken samples from all infected people and through PCR tests its cure has been confirmed.

The first case positive the March 18th. Six days later, the 24, the residence was intervened by the Ministry of Health, which reinforced the template with the hiring of 13 nurses and 7 auxiliaries. Also I know differentiated spaces and areas of the center depending on the situation of the patients, whether they were mild or asymptomatic. Those with a more severe condition were referred to hospitals for treatment.

It also launched a differentiated care program so that each professional always cares for the same group of people, in order to minimize contact and, with it, the risk of spreading the virus. To this they added two disinfections of the facilities, both outside and inside. However, despite all measures, 12 residents died.

The center this enabled for embrace again to all healed people. This Sunday a woman returned from the Credine facilities in Langreo, and in the next few days the arrival of two other patients is expected, who are recovering at the Fundación Hospital de Avilés and the Hospital San Agustín.

“The experience of working in this context shows us the need for the residential environment to have a consolidated health care support and of course, socio-sanitary gear must be a priority for the rethinking of the care model in residences,” he said. the manager of the ERA, Ana Suárez Guerra.

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