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the village child builds a health center

The man is a local child: “I went to school and then to college in Branne and today I live three minutes away.” He decided to tackle the problem head-on and to embark on the construction of this pole, “to satisfy a real need”. The case was not necessarily simple: “It’s been four years of negotiations. And then we had to find the land, but Branne has problems with land capacity ”. Eventually, this land was found, rue du Fort-Bayard. “The original idea was to set it up in the former gendarmerie, but it’s a three-story building with asbestos, so it was difficult to do something about it.”

“A center like this is the solution against the isolation of professionals”

Attract a specialist

It will therefore be new, “made with sustainable materials and eco-responsible energy consumption”. A 436 m2 building that can accommodate 20 professionals in 15 offices, “also with a shared space, 50 waiting spaces and 30 parking spaces. And all this in the heart of the community. Construction work started at the end of August and the building is scheduled for delivery in April 2023. “It will be a place of health and care but also a place of life. A center like this is the solution against the isolation of professionals and to create a structured follow-up of patients ”.

Frédéric-Charles Chassagne, an entrepreneur from Mérignac, also sees beyond and considers the future pole a serious argument to prevent Branne from becoming a medical wasteland in the future, like many other sectors. “The younger generations of doctors no longer want to work alone, having this tool could encourage them to come here.”

The future health center will be like this.

“SO” Playback

No help

Currently Frédéric-Charles Chassagne has convinced several professionals to join the center: three general practitioners, four nursing offices, an osteopath, a nutritionist-tobacconist-dietician, a sports educator, a sophrologist, a naturopath and a foot reflexologist. “Of the fifteen available premises, three remain”. The entrepreneur dreams of seeing a specialist like a dentist arrive, “but it’s like general practitioners, it becomes difficult to find and attract them. But we can also think of renting a third or quarterly presence and imagine that a specialist from Bordeaux (which is only about thirty kilometers away, ed) comes in this way to guarantee a presence. “

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