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the video makes the whole world react

This video goes around social networks and, rightly, scandalizes the entire planet. You can see a sea lion there, the rope around its neck, towing a small boat with children in it.

The video was taken at the animal park of Mont Mosan in Huy, in the province of Liège and shared on Facebook by the animal rights organization “That’s enough“after being transmitted by Aaron Copette, who took the video.

Since the upload on Sunday August 9, the images have been seen almost half a million times and caused, of course, a huge scandal on the Internet. Many media all over the world have relayed the video and the message of the association “C’est Enough” which encouraged Internet users to contact the park in order to complain about these acts which should no longer take place in 2020, as Aaron pointed out.

And this is not the first time that Mount Mosan is at the heart of a controversy concerning sea lions since in 2018, the president of the ASBL Wolf Eyes, Jean-Michel Stasse, had lodged a complaint against the park because the chlorine present in the pools makes the sea lions and blind seals.

The director of the park, Jean-Marc Vanberg, contacted by 7sur7 tries to defend himself:

This is raging madness! The last few days have been awful. People have no limit. I received messages of insults, death threats.

However, he does not consider this attraction to be animal abuse, “I think people should pay more attention to the slaughter of poor whales that are still going on in some parts of the world instead of looking after a small park where animals are not mistreated.”, Estimates Mr. Vanberg.

Christine Grandjean, founder of “It’s enough”, reacted to the words of the director but also to the violence that is unleashed on the networks: “You can’t treat animals like that! But we don’t want the [propriétaire du parc] is threatened and we edited our Facebook post to ask people to be more moderate when contacting him.

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