Home » today » News » The victims of the fire in the Bronx are taken to five hospitals | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The victims of the fire in the Bronx are taken to five hospitals | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Many victims of the fire.What is the panorama, Alejandro?good afternoon.alexander: tonightquite rainy we have seenplenty of ambulances coming into this hospital. one of thefive hospitals where they wenttransferred the wings of 60 and wingscount people who wereaffected in one way or anothermanner. unfortunately 19 ofthey did not surviveincluding nine children. we’rein front of the emergency roomwhere they had trio tothese people in thesemoments. we are waiting forstatements. we havecommunicated with them. we havecalled for us to be theexact number of songs of thehospitalized it is believed thatstill 13 people were inserious condition hospitalizedthese five educational centers,but not specifiedhow many in eacheducational centers and whatwe try to investigate and calis the health condition ofevery one of those people. themost of the wounded, according towhat has been reported, was bysmoke inhalation thoughsome were alsofound due to cardiac arrestlying on the floors, in the 19floors of this building. thecarbon moxide in thesecases is harmful becausereplaces the source that isin red blood cellscarbon monoxide causingthe tissues dieEven if the person dies.In fires like this it has2:00 to 3:00 minutes to be ableescape unscathed, but imagine,a 19-story building qqéso strong it is. it’s difficult inthis case the authoritiesthey said it happenedfire by an applianceheating and worst of allis that the door of thisapartment where everythinghad originated was openand this caused the smoke topropagate the wings agilely towardsother places and therefore thishuge number of people whowe have been affected. herewe also saw a truckcity ​​firefightersnew york that entered until thisplace to set upcamp in this place sowho is believed to be to the hospitalwith the largest number ofvictims for being the hospital iswings specialized in this typetragedy. they were tryingin different ways. to thethat are less serious wereI wear masks to be able toretrieve them.to those who are more seriousthey were laying tubes forbe able to save their lives. thisfire broke out near11:00 in the morning. in thismoment with 19 deceased isone of the firesdeaths in the last 30years. the previous one was in the year1990 when out of wayintentionally a subject hadcaused a fire in asocial club and 87 peoplethey passed away I am Alejandro.we will continue in thehospital. we will wait forstatements that we have

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