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The vibrant world of theatre in Bogotá: a cultural capital

Bogotá became the cultural epicenter of theater in the country – credit Teatro Colón.

Bogotá has become a true epicentre of theatre, with an impressive offering of approximately nine thousand plays annually distributed in some 40 venues throughout the city, according to the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sports of Bogotá.

This theatrical fervour attracts more than three million spectators each year, who fill the more than 6,500 seats available in the capital. The cultural dynamic is strengthened by significant events such as the Ibero-American Theatre Festival, active since 1988, and the Bogotá Theatre Festival, held every November since 2002 and with the participation of more than 60 local companies.

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Theatre in Bogotá would not be what it is today without the government’s support and the initiatives of the Dramatic Arts Department of the District Institute of the Arts, Idartes, which focus on the training, research, creation, circulation and appropriation of dramatic art. These initiatives consolidate the city’s cultural policy and demonstrate solid support for art and local actors.

Despite the recent government consolidation of this art, the origins of theatre in the city date back to the 18th century. According to data from the Bank of the Republic, in 1792, José Tomás Ramírez and José Dionisio del Villar obtained authorization from the viceroyalty to build the first entertainment space, known as The House of ComediesThis theatre, opened in 1795, became a focal point of colonial cultural life.

The first comedy house, initially called Coliseo Ramírez and later, from 1840, Teatro Maldonado, stands as a symbol of a theatre that began to be officially established under a concept of culture.

The space was called The House of Comedies and later became known as the Maldonado Theater – credit: Ministry of Culture

“A lively meeting took place at the Palace last night, with the sole purpose of agreeing on the bases for the construction of a new theatre. If I am moving away from politics to devote myself to purely artistic matters, I am doing so inspired by the love I feel for the theatre.”wrote the then president Rafael Núñez in August 1885.

According to the Ministry of Culture, on the initiative of Dr. Núñez, the Maldonado Theater building, located on 10th Street, opposite the San Carlos Palace, was selected as the site for the construction of the new theater.

In the 1950s, the first Drama Schools were established in Colombia in Bogotá and Cali, marking a milestone in the consolidation of stable theatre groups in the country. In the capital, the National School of Dramatic Art It was founded and located in the Palomar room, located on the upper floors of the Teatro Colón.

The direction of this school was initially assumed by the Spaniard Juan de Mena, who played a fundamental role in its formation. This development in artistic education in Colombia allowed a significant boom in the production and stability of theatre groups at the national level, consolidating them as key points of artistic training in the country.

The Ibero-American Theatre Festival has become one of the most influential cultural events in the country, establishing itself as a comprehensive showcase of the performing arts scene in the 21st century. Known for its capacity to attract audiences, number of performances and diversity of genres, the festival is recognized as one of the largest in the world, attracting thousands of participants and spectators from various corners of the planet.

The Ibero-American Theatre Festival of Bogotá (FITB) has presented a wide range of productions that vary from classic works to the most modern and innovative. The first edition of the Ibero-American Theatre Festival of Bogotá was held in 1988, coinciding with the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city. With the motto “An act of faith in Colombia”, this inauguration was directed by Fanny Mickey and Ramiro Osorio.

Bogotà, March 19, 2018.- Parade of the Ibero-American Theater Festival of Bogota. Photos: Augusto Starita / Ministry of Culture of the Nation

In an interview for the program This is your lifeFanny Mikey spoke about the success of the event, “Our festival has become so well-known worldwide that I have offers from 51 countries to come to the festival, they come from five different continents, they come from Oceania with great shows”the late director said at the time.

The late festival director spoke on the program ‘This is her life’ about the organization of the festival in the 60s – credit Señal Memoria / YouTube

Bogotá is emerging as a vibrant meeting point for theatre, hosting some of Colombia’s most prominent theatre companies. The Colombian capital is distinguished not only by its cultural diversity, but also by its stage offering, which ranges from classic proposals to innovative theatrical experiences.

The National Theatre, founded in 1981 by actress Fanny Mikey, is one of the city’s most iconic institutions. With its different venues, such as the Teatro La Castellana and the Teatro Fanny Mikey.

On the other hand, the Teatro Colón is an architectural and historical jewel of Bogotá. It opened in 1892. The theatre has been restored to preserve its original splendor, offering a diverse program that includes operas, ballets and concerts.

The Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo has established itself as one of the architectural gems of the capital – credit Courtesy of Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo.

Contemporary trends also have a relevant space on the Bogotá stage. The Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo, for example, has incorporated advanced technologies and cutting-edge techniques in its productions, thus attracting a young audience interested in new forms of artistic expression.

Alejandra Borrero, a renowned Colombian actress, founded “Casa E Borrero” in Bogotá, a multifunctional cultural space dedicated to the promotion of performing arts and culture. This center offers a variety of activities, including theater, workshops, festivals and artistic events, seeking to become a reference for the development and dissemination of art in Colombia. Casa E has stood out for its commitment to social empowerment and inclusion, addressing socially relevant issues through its productions.

The renowned actress revealed her inspiration for the creation of a space to learn theater – credit Revista Bombea / YouTube

“This space came from the idea of ​​being unique, we didn’t want to imitate anyone when we started this house, and for that you have to think of something different. The space was not a conventional space and that gave us more ideas and we have managed to do great things,” said the actress in an interview with Bombea magazine.

Another well-known actor who decided to contribute with his own space was Robinson Díaz, founding La tropa, a theater space that he shares with his wife and son in which they pay tribute to the art of the stage. In several interviews, the actor has mentioned that this project seeks to strengthen the country’s culture. With this space, the actor has given recognition to new artists and has contributed to the legacy of theater lasting in the capital.

Bogotá has become an epicenter for theater artists, using its streets as ideal stages for each performance. Some actors have discovered that they do not need an enclosed space to convey emotions through acting, which has boosted street art and open-air theater.

The architectural icon of La Media Torta has succeeded in contributing to open-air cultural expression. It is celebrating its 86th anniversary. Since 1938, this contemporary amphitheatre donated by the British Council has witnessed the growth of a modern city.

The space has become an epicentre of theatre, music and art – credit @mediatortabog / Instagram

According to Idartes, it was conceived in 1936 by the popular leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán as a place for the entertainment of the first peasants and migrants who populated the capital of the country. The old La Media Torta hacienda has seen great artists of classical and popular music parade through it and has hosted great theatrical performances in recent years.

Years later, this iconic space in the city has been the perfect venue for the performance of plays, concerts and festivals.

The District Institute of the Arts has been tasked with preserving art in the corners of the capital, with events such as the 19th Theatre and Circus Festival that will take place from August 9 to 10.

According to the Idartes portal, performances will be held in the venues benefiting from the District Program of Concerted Venues 2024, under the “Bogoteatro” initiative. This program seeks to articulate the cultural offering with an inclusive approach, promoting the participation of groups in training, educational institutions and projects managed by the public sector.

The capital will celebrate the 19th Theatre and Circus Festival – credit @bogotateatralycircense / Instagram

Throughout its editions, the Bogotá Theatre and Circus Festival has established itself as a cultural event of great importance, significantly influencing the evolution of the city’s theatre scene. It has provided a prominent space for both emerging groups and those with a more solid track record. It has also promoted dialogue and interaction between the artistic sector and the public, integrating various initiatives and cultural actors.

This year, the festival will feature 27 stages, 60 groups and individuals, 5 talks, 60 performances, 353 artists and 8 oral storytellers.as stated in an official statement of the event.

Theatre in Bogotá is stronger and more alive than ever, reflecting the cultural vitality of the city and its commitment to the performing arts.

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