Home » today » News » The VI Scientific Film Festival kicks off in Gijón | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The VI Scientific Film Festival kicks off in Gijón | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

‘In the air’, ‘We are humanity’, ‘Not only stardust’, ‘The island of the Marble Glaciers’, ‘Why so few?’, ‘The Augustine and Butterflies enigma’. They are the titles of the seven documentaries, of different themes, that make up the program of the VI Scientific Film Exhibition.

Arguments ranging from the scarce presence of women in science to the experience of an isolated human community. In between, pollution, a trip to Patagonia or the increasingly depleted populations of butterflies on the Iberian Peninsula.

This is the content of the documentary tapes (five Spanish and two French) that will be screened for free from Thursday, September 9 until next day 17 at the old School of Commerce of Gijón. It is the programming of the VI Scientific Film Exhibition, a cycle organized by the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Education and Popular University and framed in the Gijón con Ciencia scientific dissemination program.

The appointment will feature limited seating and pre-registration on cultura.gijon.es and all the tapes will be screened at 18:30 in the afternoon.

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