Home » News » “The VI Edition of DATAGRI Forum to be Held in Logroo in November 2023 with a Focus on Digital Transformation in Agriculture”

“The VI Edition of DATAGRI Forum to be Held in Logroo in November 2023 with a Focus on Digital Transformation in Agriculture”

(((PLEASE take into account a CORRECTION in the forum dates due to an error from the informant source))). The note is as follows. It’s all sorry for the inconvenience:

The DATAGRI 2023 forum will be held on November 15 and 16 in Logroo


I managed to host the VI edition of the DATAGRI Forum on November 15 and 16, 2023, the benchmark event in southern Europe for promoting digital transformation in the agri-food sector.

In the 2023 edition, the format will be divided into two days. On the first day, ‘Frum Day’, at the Riojaforum in Logroo, with different high-level speakers from the Spanish and international arena, they will present the most relevant trends in Agriculture 4.0, with special emphasis on the applications of artificial intelligence in agriculture. agrarian management.

On November 15, a field day will take place at the experimental farms of the Government of La Rioja (Valdegn and La Grajera), where demonstrations of technological applications in different crops can be seen live.

The 2023 edition of the DATAGRI Forum is organized by the Coordinator of Farmers and Livestock Organizations (COAG), the company HISPATEC Agrointeligencia, the ETSIAM of the University of Córdoba, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain and the CAJAMAR Cooperative Group, with the collaboration of the associated members, Foro Interalimentario, Fertinagro Biotech and Corteva Agriscience.

In addition, it has the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World, Territory and Population of the Government of La Rioja, the municipality of Logroo, the Union of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (UAGR -COAG), the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of La Rioja (FECOAR), the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences and the University of La Rioja.

The president of the DATAGRI association, José Luis Miguel, has advanced that over two days more than 1,500 professionals will analyze the state of digital transformation in the agri-food sector. Likewise, they have highlighted the technical quality of the La Rioja proposal, the proactivity of the local committee, the great institutional support and the agri-food power of this Autonomous Community.

For her part, Eva Hita, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World, Territory and Population of the Government of La Rioja, pointed out that “for La Rioja to host the DATAGRI forum will allow the region to show the potential of the Autonomous Community in terms of of innovation and digitization”.

“La Rioja -he added- has among its priorities the digital and sustainable transformation of the agri-food sector, as a clear commitment to progress, with special emphasis on viticulture 4.0. The digitization of this sector, key to the economy of La Rioja and Spain, exert a tractor effect on the rest of the agricultural sectors of the region”.

The DATAGRI Forum was born in 2018 to promote the digitization process of the Spanish countryside and inspire all the actors in the agri-food network.

After five editions (Córdoba, Zaragoza, Madrid (online), Lleida and El Ejido), it has established itself as the showcase for the most relevant success stories worldwide and for those trends that are called upon to lay the foundations of a model more sustainable productive

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