An upbeat mood prevailed at the joint concert of self-help groups held on the occasion of Lithuania’s Independence Day at the Vėžaičiai Cultural Center. The fact that there was a particularly large number of young people on the stage attracted the eye.
Both the audience of the festive concert and the self-made people breathed in one rhythm of joy. The packed hall was congratulated by Klaipėda District Municipality Vice Mayor Vytautas Butkus, Municipality Administration Director Sigitas Karbauskas, Vėžaičių Elder Alvydas Mockus on the occasion of the important day for the free state and citizens.
The director of the culture center, Diana Ciparienė, who spoke in the Sami language about the excellent customs of the Sami people, emphasized at the beginning of the concert that the self-made people from Krūsa will represent the region honorably in the beginning of July at the anniversary, already the hundredth Song Festival in Vilnius. D. Ciparienė thanked and presented symbolic gifts to the most active creators of Trispalvii slėni.

The audience of the festive concert applauded the young singer Monika Šepikaita (teacher Rasa Linkienė), the brass ensembles “Girelė”, “Jovaras” (director Ramutė Pozingienė), the vocal ensemble “Melodija” (director Daiva Šilinskienė), the dance studio “Karuselė” (director Ingrida Sutkienė ), vocal studio for the quintet and Lapia women’s vocal ensemble (directors Arvydas Dragūnas, D. Šilinskienė), drama studio (director Evelina Dargytė). Event organizer Sigita Venckienė wove the concert program into one braid of beautiful performances. Living in Lapia and participating in the television project “Voice of Lithuania. Kartos” Italian Norberto Scardovi, who sang not only in Italian, but also in Lithuanian, invited the large audience not only to listen, but also to dance.
The community of the festive concert was embodied by the mass dance “Šoku laisve” performed by “Karuselė” dancers, which spread throughout Lithuania that day.
Auth. photo: moments of the festive concert in the Vēžaičiai cultural center.
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– 2024-04-01 00:24:18