Home » today » World » The variety of lifeless and injured because of the Russian shelling of the village of Cherkaska Lozova has elevated

The variety of lifeless and injured because of the Russian shelling of the village of Cherkaska Lozova has elevated

About this informs Workplace of the Prosecutor Normal.

It’s famous that the destiny of one of many workers of the recreation middle, which was focused by the Russian military right now, remains to be unknown. It was established that on the time of the assault he was close to a reservoir and was fishing.

Information on all victims will proceed to be clarified.

It is going to be recalled that the Russian invaders twice right now focused the recreation middle within the village of Cherkaska Lozova, Kharkiv district, with “Iskander-M” missiles. One of many lifeless is a seven-month pregnant girl. Among the many victims is an 8-year-old youngster who obtained minor accidents.

Allow us to add that the aggressor’s military as soon as once more resorted to the “double strikes” tactic: when the emergency providers have been working on the web site of the shelling, Russia struck once more. Among the many injured are a paramedic and a policeman.

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