Home » today » Sport » “The Vandalism of Gianluca Vialli’s Mural and the Condemnation by Sampdoria Fans and Genoan Club Association”

“The Vandalism of Gianluca Vialli’s Mural and the Condemnation by Sampdoria Fans and Genoan Club Association”

The number 9 dedicated to the Sampdoria champion transformed into the letter B, some scarves were also burned

A unanimous condemnation (by Sampdoria fans, but also by the Genoan Club Association) followed the second act of vandalism in a few days against the Genoese mural dedicated to Gianluca Vialli, in the Quinto district, on the friendship pier, as it has now been defined as a place loved by Vialli, by Mancini and by all the tricolor Sampd’oro. On the wall repainted with the Dorians’ colours, an offensive writing against the Sampdoria team was written, and the number nine of the striker who disappeared on 6 January last was transformed into the letter B, a clear reference to the possible relegation of Stankovic’s team.


The fury of the vandals did not limit itself to defacing and outrage a symbolic place of the football passion of the Sampdorians, but also caused damage to the recently restored adjacent gardens. A cowardly and meaningless gesture, on which the ACG, the association of Genoa clubs, expressed itself harshly, which “condemns with the utmost firmness – read in a note – the vandalization of the murals dedicated to Gianluca Vialli owned the Pier of Quinto. Acts of this kind – concludes the press release – are not justified in any way. Sporting rivalry is not expressed by outraging the memory of a man, whose memory belongs and continues to belong to everyone”.


It is also worrying that after the first defacement of the mural and the subsequent restoration of the area, a new act of vandalism has been recorded: The cameras in the area could help identify those responsible for an act that has nothing in common with healthy sporting rivalry under the lantern.

2023-05-02 13:19:51
#Shame #Genoa #vandalized #mural #memory #Vialli

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