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The “value” drives the gains from the vaccine

The announcement that Pfizer had obtained a Covid-19 vaccineit also marked a before and after in the world of active management. Among the funds that invest in the Spanish stock marketcalls value they took control of the recovery e profits since that November 9th. In fact, among the five most advanced, four belong to this style.

As the usual tonic has become, the manager founded by Álvaro Guzmán and Fernando Bernad, Azvalor asset managementpresents the best fund on the Spanish stock market in these two years. Azvalor Iberia manages to reevaluate cases a 26% From that date, known as San Pfizer. This fund not only drives the profits of the last two years, but also the annual ones, offering a return close to 14% for this 2022 – with it it leads The League of Active Management of the Spanish stock marketthe ranking drawn up by elEconomista.es which includes the best Spanish stock exchange funds uncorrelated by Ibex-.

Francisco García Paramés manages to place his fund, Cobas Iberia – seventh to The League of Active Management-, as the second who earns the most since the appearance of the vaccine. In these two years, the fund has grown by around 24%, notwithstanding in exercise it loses about 3%.

with approx 22% yield in the last two years, Horos Value Iberia It ranks as the third highest-scoring fund in the Spanish equity market over this period, despite the losses of this fund managed by Javier Ruiz and his team exceeding 9% over the course of the year.

Among all, it sneaks Mutuafondo Spaindirected by Ängel Fresnillo, che to break away from this triumvirate of funds purely value. Mutuafund Spain has grown more than 18% since November 9, although it fell 2% over the year. Magallanes Iberian Equitymeanwhile, it earns around 18% in two years.

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