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“The vaccine for local commerce is on the Internet”

Domenico Puzone, founder of the digital marketing agency Chao Marketing, is clear that digital transformation will be the most immediate and effective solution to the uncertain future of local businesses.

The health crisis has affected practically all sectors of the economy, with local businesses, freelancers and independent professionals being the main victims.

We have chatted with Domenico Puzone, digital expert and founder of Chao Marketing SEO and Digital Marketing agency, which has seen how many professionals have asked for help to try to trace the solution.

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Born in Naples, he has closely followed the evolution of the pandemic and business in both Spain and Italy, drawing very interesting conclusions for the future that lies ahead. and helping businesses emerge from crisis during the pandemic.

What has the local trade learned from the coronavirus?

The only thing that has shown the health problem is that businesses that were reluctant to digitize have been totally helpless in a situation as unusual as this. Those who had previously worked their digital immersion have noticed much less the serious economic situation we are experiencing, many have not even noticed.

I am clear that the vaccine for local commerce is on the Internet. Both for these times of restrictions in schedules and mobility, and for when normality arrives. Traditional commerce is definitely dead and now products and services are just a click away. Your business may be open after curfew.

Is e-commerce profitable?

Now more than ever. With covid-19 came restrictions and the fear of going out on the street, causing many people who had never bought online before to find themselves in need of doing so. The result has been that, since the confinement, 72% of Spanish Internet users have made some purchase online. (iab)

In addition, now the buyer spends more on the Internet, increasing the average expenditure per person by almost 274 euros per year. An indication of acceptance among users when buying on the Internet. (OTHER)

Are small businesses becoming more aware of the need to digitize?

In recent months, many companies have decided to have a digital presence. And I’m not just talking about giants in the sector. I’m talking about the pharmacy next to your house, the hairdresser your neighbor usually goes to or the bar where you have coffee before entering your newsroom to work.

I think there are many businessmen and entrepreneurs who have seen the ears of the wolf and have realized that their more direct competition has been more favored. If your business has more sales channels, in addition to the traditional physical store, your sales increase. It’s simple.

However, I think there is a lot to work on, that’s why at Chao Marketing we have created WhatsApp Class, a WhatsApp community in which we will give during the week of March 1 to 7 some tips for those businesses that want to go digital. It is completely free and does not have any type of commitment.

Will we get out of this?

I am sure yes. But until the scientific community manages to stop this pandemic, the ordinary citizen and the merchant will only have to work and reinvent themselves if necessary.

Those who have already done so are seeing its fruits, so I can only advise that we be prudent with sanitary measures, but courageous with our projects.

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