For the time being, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will not enter into new research collaborations with Shell “or similar companies”. With the new rule, research into fossil fuels is no longer possible at the university.
But if the project with a company like Shell contributes to the transition to sustainable energy, the UvA does not rule out a collaboration. For example, there are still four projects in which the gas and oil company is involved, which will continue despite the new rule.
“These are studies aimed at clean energy, better analysis methods, or a better environment,” the UvA explains. But the university says it does not receive money from the fossil fuel industry to organize conferences, trips or trade fairs.
‘Sever all ties with polluting companies, even if they are ‘green’
The university says it is doing plenty of research that contributes to the transition to sustainable energy. Shell would also be working on that. For example, the oil and gas company is active in wind energy and is said to have more and more plans in the field of hydrogen.
Still, some critics believe that all ties with polluting companies should be severed. Even when it comes to ‘green’ research. “Others are of the opinion that this research makes a valuable contribution to the energy transition,” says the UvA. That’s what the discussions at the university will be about.