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The USA approved the increase in financial aid to Ukraine

Photo: news.24tv.ua

US House of Representatives approved an increase in financial aid to Ukraine

The bill was supported by the US House of Representatives, now it must be approved by the Senate and signed by the President.

The US House of Representatives supported an increase in the amount of financial assistance to Ukraine and amendments to sanctions against the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. About it informs Embassy of Ukraine in the United States on Thursday, July 29.

The total amount of funds to be allocated for the implementation of assistance programs to Ukraine through the State Department, the US Agency for International Development and related programs is at least $ 481.5 million, which is $ 28.5 million more than in 2021.

“Of this estimate, $ 125 million will be allocated for the security of Ukraine under the article” International military financing “, which is $ 10 million more than in 2021,” the embassy added.

However, for the bill to take effect, it must be approved by the US Senate and then signed by the US President.

Recall that a group of Republican senators requires the Biden administration to introduce new sanctions against Nord Stream 2 and threatens to block the approval of two candidates for leadership positions in the Ministry of Finance.

Zelensky’s visit to the White House will take place on August 30

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