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The US restricts trips of its employees to Chiapas due to insecurity

Mexico City. Due to increased violence and security concerns in Chiapas, the United States government this Friday restricted its employees’ travel to the state.

This is the second time so far in April that the US authorities recommend their citizens avoid moving through Chiapas territory so far this month, since on April 10 they asked to avoid the Ocozocoautla region due to the increase in insecurity .

Through an alert, the US Embassy indicated that its personnel should avoid traveling to practically the entire region between Ocosingo and the border with Guatemala.

This includes mobility limits for US diplomatic personnel in locations such as Comitán, Frontera Comalapa, Motozintla and the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve region.

The US government indicated that travel to Tapachula and within the city limits is not restricted.

The embassy asked its citizens to follow local media updates and in case of emergency, to call 911.

He recommended reviewing personal safety plans and following the instructions of local authorities.

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– 2024-04-24 00:04:54

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