Home » today » World » The US reproaches Maduro for the “consummate fraud” in the elections in Venezuela

The US reproaches Maduro for the “consummate fraud” in the elections in Venezuela

The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, described Sunday the parliamentary elections that are being held in Mexico as “farce” and “fraud”. Venezuela, in which the majority of the opposition abstained from participating.

“The electoral fraud of Venezuela has already been consummated, “Pompeo wrote on Twitter.” The results announced by the illegitimate regime of [Nicolás] Maduro will not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. What is happening today is a fraud and a sham, not an election, “he added.

The Donald Trump administration does not recognize Maduro, and like some 60 countries, considers the opposition Juan Guaidó president, who called for a boycott of the elections this Sunday.

United States sanctions on Venezuela, which include an oil embargo in force since April 2019, have been one of the main themes of Maduro’s campaign speech.

Some 20 million voters were called to the polls to elect a new parliament, the only power so far in the hands of the opposition, which urged Venezuelans to “stay at home.” (AFP)

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