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The US registered more than 180,000 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours | Univision Salud News

President Donald Trump threatened on Friday not to distribute the first batches of the future vaccine against covid-19 to New York because its governor, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, he has been one of the biggest critics of his handling of the pandemic.

Cuomo “doesn’t trust where the vaccine comes from. They come from the biggest companies in the world, the biggest laboratories in the world, but he doesn’t trust the fact that it’s the White House, so we will not deliver it to New York until we have authorization to do so, and it hurts me to say that, “said Trump, opening a new bid with Cuomo, with whom he had already faced in the first months of the pandemic.

“Governor Cuomo will have to tell us when it is ready because otherwise we cannot deliver it to a state that will not give it to its people immediately,” Trump said in an intervention in the White House rose garden.

Cuomo responded to those words in statements to MSNBC. “Nothing he says is true (…) surprise”he replied.

“I’ve been an outspoken opponent of many of Trump’s policies over the past four years. So he has a problem with New York, and he likes to target New York. But this is the problem, this is his credibility problem,” he said. .

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