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The US Is Several Years Behind China in Hypersonic Weapons Technology


WASHINGTON – Government United States of America (The US) is years behind China in hypersonic weapons technology. Raytheon Technologies Corp CEO Gregory Hayes revealed the assessment on Tuesday (10/26/2021).

Hypersonic weapons are capable of moving through the atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound. Even if the weapon is detected by radar, it will be difficult to disable.

“While the Pentagon has a number of hypersonic weapons programs under development and the US understands the technology, China has really fielded hypersonic weapons,” Raytheon CEO Gregory Hayes said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Balance of Power With David Westin.”

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He insists, “At least we are a few years behind.”

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The ultra-fast weapons system has sparked concern because of its potential to destabilize relations between the US, China and Russia.

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The weapon could also be at the forefront of increasing competition between Beijing and Washington as the world’s two largest economies clash over trade, technology, and humanitarian issues.

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