Home » today » World » The US House of Representatives approved a financial aid package to help fight the coronavirus | Univision Salud News

The US House of Representatives approved a financial aid package to help fight the coronavirus | Univision Salud News

On Friday night, the House of Representatives approved a financial aid bill to respond to the new coronavirus pandemic, a measure agreed between Republicans and Democrats and which has the support of President Trump, which is assumed to have no Difficulties in passing the Senate, which is not expected to happen before Monday.

The measure was approved with 363 votes in favor and 40 against, and the final result was issued as early as Saturday morning, around 1:00 am, after two days of complicated negotiations between the president of that House, Nancy Pelosi, and the US Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin.

After learning of the agreement between the two, Trump gave his support to the legislation on Twitter, which assured him broad support from the Republican Party, where only 40 legislators voted against.

This package of measures is intended tens of billions of dollars to pay for sick leave, unemployment insurance, free virus tests and other measures to help Americans affected by this crisis.

Before being approved in the Chamber, Pelosi had announced that they would proceed to vote on a bill that “puts families first” and whose three most important pillars are: “tests, tests, tests”, in reference to tests to diagnose the virus.

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