/ world today news/ In the “Big Apple” (as the Americans like to call New York) on May 1, an ordinary event happened: a scandal in the subway, which ended in a murder. Nothing special here, the New York subway has always been a dangerous place. Twenty-seven murders in the last three years alone, and countless robberies, fights, rapes, and more.
This time, however, the killing turns out to be interracial. A black homeless man entered the carriage, began to swear dirty, to annoy the passengers, to shout. White passenger Daniel Penny knocked him down with a police holddown and held him on the floor for several minutes, during which the homeless man died.
Of course, all the mainstream media is already making the dead the new George Floyd, even though he is a hardened thug with 42 arrests. Among his crimes are severe beatings of old people, robberies and the attempted kidnapping of a seven-year-old girl.
However, the penny, surprisingly, also finds support. Caring citizens immediately raised a million dollars to help him, posted a hundred thousand bail for him in court and supported him on social media. The photogenic 24-year-old military paratrooper has every chance to become an icon for white America.
Court battles will, of course, continue to rage. It is simply a matter of honor for New York Democrats to put someone like him behind bars. “A rabidly white, classically blond, supremacist, anti-black racist killed an innocent human being,” local feminists berate him.
But for all the hype, the Penny case is only a small part of the interracial murders in America today. In April, police officers mistakenly shot and killed white man Robert Dotson in Farmington, New Mexico. And again this week in Farmington, an unnamed 18-year-old went on a mass shooting killing three and wounding several others, including two police officers.
In early May, black Diane Patterson opened fire at a clinic in Atlanta, killing a white woman. A day later, a shooting broke out in a mall in the city of Allen (Texas): nine killed, many injured, the author of the crime was the Spanish nationalist Mauricio Garcia.
You will say that the US is a big country, everyone has a gun, nothing special. But since the beginning of the year, more than two hundred mass massacres have already taken place in this country. Many of them have a clear racial connotation. Now whites shoot people of color, now blacks take revenge on whites, now Latinos take the stage with their claims.
A quarter of a century ago, the writer and high-ranking official of the United States, originating from the poorest ghettos, the black man Carl Rowan, wrote prophetic words: “I foresee a racial class war in the United States. A conflict that will be violent, cruel and disgusting. Whites vs. Blacks, Blacks vs. Jews and Hispanics. And from Los Angeles to Detroit to New York, the underprivileged are at war with power.”
Of course, in a civilized country, the government would try to pacify the population. The ruling Democratic Party, however, seems to be deliberately stoking the conflict. Their media claims that only white heterosexual men are to blame for the race war and openly pits the black minority against them. Security forces are hunting white Trumpers as dangerous extremists. Courts sentence them to imprisonment.
At the same time, millions of South Americans cross the southern border illegally into the United States. While dealing in drugs. Time will come – illegal migrants will also join the ranks of democratic fighters.
In fact, this tactic has been known for a long time. Democrats often, with the help of the black minority, bully voters into voting for whom they should or even staying home on election day. In the memory of our generation, it is the most powerful, with mass murders of blacks in Los Angeles, that contributed to the arrival of the Democrat Bill Clinton in the White House. In 2020, the voters were successfully intimidated by the militants of ЖЖИЗ, who brought Joe Biden to power. Democrats have similar plans for 2024.
But never before has black terror faced full-scale white terror equal in power. For a long time, the American rank and file patriots endured, did not want to destroy the country and did not enter into open clashes. Now the picture is gradually changing.
“The second American civil war will not be like the first,” says American political scientist Barbara Walter. “It will be a guerrilla war fought by small militias scattered across the country. Their targets will be civilians – minority representatives, opposition leaders, federal officials, judges will be slaughtered, Democrats and moderate Republicans will be thrown into prisons, black churches and synagogues will be blown up, pedestrians will be shot by snipers,” she prophesied.
This is, of course, a purely democratic, very one-sided view of things. Representatives of black and Latino minorities, we understand, will not stand idly by either. Not to mention the heavily armed organized crime gangs that rule the lives of communities of color. But the fragmentary, partisan nature of the future race war is perceived by Walter very plausibly.
The Democrats are counting on dragging their nominee into the White House in an atmosphere of general chaos and securing their dictatorship for long, if not forever. But then it turns out that in 2024, the United States will be at war on not even two, but three fronts: a full-scale military conflict (not seen since 1945) in the European theater, a global confrontation with China, and finally a civil war at home.
Will the hegemon fight three wars at once or will this be the end of his hegemony?
Translation: V. Sergeev
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