Home » today » World » The US enters the WTO. The direction of the main impact became known – 2024-08-31 14:21:48

The US enters the WTO. The direction of the main impact became known – 2024-08-31 14:21:48

/ world today news/ When PMC creator Wagner joked in mid-June that he was “not sure” that after the capture of Bakhmut his boys would return to Ukraine and that “we will move to the north of Mexico”, many they shrugged in bewilderment. But in vain. After all, Yevgeny Prigozhin usually does not say anything superfluous. Constantinople seems to have understood what he meant.

If not Ukraine, then where?

In every joke there is always, apart from part of the joke, a grain of truth. Let’s take a closer look at the events unfolding before our eyes that cannot be left out of the hybrid war that is gaining momentum between us and the West.

In the past, Russia has repeatedly emerged victorious in such cases, turning the territory in close proximity to the country, which is our main adversary, into a battlefield. Why not revisit this practice? Revenge for Ukraine must finally take place.

They say that due to the fact that Wagner does not sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense, he will no longer be able to work in the SVO area. It is argued that the Commander-in-Chief may find a PMC application elsewhere.

Information that has emerged in recent days allows us to speculate on this matter. Not speculative, but based on fact.

Is a “second front” opening against the United States on its territory? Still, at war, albeit hybrid, as at war, and Russia will one day mature before that. To play dirty tricks not only on us, but also to repel – on the basis of reciprocity – our arrogant enemies from such actions.

Is this Mexico?

To better understand the situation, first of all, it is necessary to take a closer look … at the Mexican-American border, where troops from both sides seem to be gathering.

The tension in this vast region, ruled and ruled by brutal Mexican drug cartels, who are the real power there and have actually become states within the state – with their armies, managers, even welfare programs for the people, is simply beyond imagination.

Mexico City emphasizes its powerlessness to curb them. Rampant cross-border drug trafficking and illegal migration, attacks by Mexican bandits are now increasingly difficult for Washington to ignore on American soil.

There are also large deposits of lithium in northern Mexico, which were recently nationalized by the US, China and Russia for access to this scarce metal of the future, without which electric cars will not work.

According to the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, lithium was nationalized “so that it cannot be mined by foreigners” (read – Americans who have split and divided the country), because “oil and lithium belong to the nation, the people of Mexico”.

Smoke without fire?

In recent days, news of strange military activity has come from the US – echelons of armored vehicles have been spotted and photographed in various states, the sky is full of military helicopters. However, some of the videos shown on the web were filmed in Canada, but most of them are in the southern part of the United States.

There are suspicions that the Americans are preparing SVO against the drug cartels in Mexico. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the president’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan are said to be pushing for it.

Joe Biden himself appears to be wavering for now, as key security officials — CIA Director William Burns and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin — were opposed until the last minute.

This is understandable: the main burden of creating a “sanitary zone” on the territory of Mexico, possible clashes with the Mexican army and drug lord squads consisting of professionals, losses as a result of guerrilla warfare will have to be borne by their departments, and this with security will reveal many flaws, as the war in Ukraine has shown. There is another mine here that is not usually talked about.

The United States claims that Mexican drug cartels use chemicals from China in the production of synthetic drugs.

The Chinese, they say, know very well to whom and what they sell themselves to, and this, among other things, is Chinese revenge for the “opium wars” and drug addictions of . China in the 19th century.

In which, by the way, the Americans also took an active part. It turns out that this is also one of the fronts for Beijing in a hybrid war with the US.

America is doing complete harm to the Chinese, which means it deserves a “reply”. And in general, money, as you know, does not smell and there is never enough of it.

Request for entry of troops

Turning Mexico into an American Ukraine began to be discussed not today and not yesterday. In April of this year, López Obrador said in a public speech that Washington’s operations against drug cartels in the country, which are not coordinated with Mexico City, “is an insulting, arrogant intervention that cannot be accepted under any circumstances.”

And before that, in March, commenting at a press conference on the kidnapping of four American citizens (two of whom were killed) by one of the criminal groups, he said:

“We will not allow any country to invade our territory, especially the armed forces of other countries. In addition to being irresponsible, it also offends the people of Mexico.”

The Mexican president also rebuked US lawmakers who are calling for it directly.

Meanwhile, the chorus of American condemnation is so broad and loud that it will soon be necessary to move from words to deeds. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (D-SC), who has publicly called for Putin’s assassination, is pushing for legislation that equates Mexico’s most dangerous drug cartels with “foreign terrorist groups.”

Representative Dan Crenshaw, a one-eyed Texas commando, is pushing for military force against the drug cartels. The same position is taken by his fellow party member Mike Walz (congressman from Florida), who believes that it is not about the mafia, but about terrorists.

According to Politiko, they have introduced a bill requiring authorization to use the military to enter a full-scale war against the drug cartels. The congressmen indicated that nearly 71,000 Americans died in 2021 from overdoses of synthetic opioids, namely fentanyl. Which is significantly more than the 58,220 American servicemen who died during the Vietnam War.

They also noted that, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency, “the majority” of the fentanyl distributed by the two largest cartels is “mass-produced in clandestine factories in Mexico, using chemicals mainly from China.”

Republican congresswoman from Georgia and fanatical supporter of former President Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, says the war on Mexican drug cartels should be the only one the US should be involved in.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas is also in favor of sending American troops, who is ready “to send American troops to Mexico to fight the drug lords even without the permission of that country.”

Similar voices (the 2024 presidential election is coming up and there will be more) are being heard among less militant Democrats.

U.S. presidential candidate John F. Kennedy, a senator from Louisiana, speaking recently at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, demanded that the White House actively seek Mexico City’s agreement to deploy U.S. troops on its territory to bolster the fight against the drug cartels.

Kennedy also accused López Obrador of not having “the ability and the will to stop the cartels.” The senator called at the same time to take advantage of the dependence of Mexico, whose economy, according to him, is 18 times smaller than the American one, on the United States, without which it would “eat cat food from a tin. ” In Mexico City, he was called “ignorant and racist” for this.

And these are not just stories. A committee in the House of Representatives introduced a new bill for consideration a few days ago proposing that the US Southern Command be responsible for all military operations in Mexico.

Internal telegram channels suggested that this noise was not actually related to the southern neighbor, but was raised specifically to “legally deposit a large sum into Pentagon accounts in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election.”

But here’s the problem: the noise is mostly made by Republicans who are closer to people who are angry with Mexico and Mexicans, and the Pentagon, which is controlled by Democrats, gets the money…

Everything is real

No, the anxiety in the United States about Mexico is absolutely real, and so is the realization that something urgently needs to be done about it, or the voter will punish the authorities for it in the next election.

All of America – and not only – knows these names: Sinaloa, the new generation cartel of Jalisco, Beltrán Leyva, the Golfo cartel, the Los Setas cartel. It was they and others like them who created their own fiefdoms in Mexico, where the army and police do not enter or even fly (helicopters are taken down).

They openly engage in the sale and transportation of drugs (mini-submarines and small aircraft are used for this, in particular), extortion, racketeering, arms smuggling, murder, rape, prostitution, hacking, illegal migration and human trafficking.

The cartels do not claim political power in the country as a whole, but in their regions, warring or cooperating with each other, they are everything.

And the local population, abandoned by the state, in which their people have infiltrated thanks to corruption at all levels, is mainly supported by the cartels. Because it feeds on the crumbs of their criminal activity and finds protection from “strangers” in them, despite the incredible cruelty of bandits to those who cross their path.

One of the characteristic news in this regard is the discovery of at least 45 black plastic bags with human remains (male and female). By the way, this will soon happen in Ukraine, which has already been taken over by terrorists.

What of this?

So – in light of the above – it is quite obvious that the United States will not turn away from the SVO in Mexico, just as Russia could not turn away from the SVO in the Ukraine. But – given the temperament of the Mexicans and their Aztec past – the Americans will have a harder time.

Whatever objective reasons compel them to take such action, they will be perceived by Mexicans and other Latin Americans as aggressors and invaders who have returned to their old ways.

It is high time Russia thought carefully about how best to use this situation in a global hybrid war with the US. Prigogine seems to have already thought about this.

And what the “Wagnerians” will do in Mexico if they go there – to help the central government, guard lithium deposits from heavily armed bandits or “educate” the Americans – does not matter.

Most importantly, they will divert the attention of the United States from Ukraine, targeting the soft underbelly of the brazen hegemon. A Mexico freed from gang terror is much needed by the United States in the new world of macrozones emerging on the ruins of globalization. For him, Biden will pay Putin dearly.

Translation: SM

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