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The US continues to put pressure on China: Biden is ready to send troops to help Taiwan!

In the case of Ukraine, the US will not send troops to join Ukraine to fight Russia.

And Taiwan? Will Biden send troops to fight China?

Biden replied: “Yes … we will send troops to defend Taiwan if China decides to do something that has never happened before. It is to send soldiers to take over Taiwan.”

immediately asks the question: Biden is adjusting US policy. Again or … because of the US relationship law? With Taiwan issued in 1979, it is not clearly stated that it will send soldiers to join the fight against Taiwan.

But it is vaguely written that it will only help Taiwan to strengthen its defenses against aggression.

It is a method of writing in a language that is open to interpretation in many ways.

A reporter asked the White House, is Biden saying this as a change in policy towards China?

This was confirmed by the White House US policy “No change”. in China in any way

But he refused to say whether Biden said anything other than what the law said.

Unsurprisingly, Beijing takes sides against the United States. right away again

Because last week Washington continued to block China with various measures. which creates further rift between the two giant countries

Because a lot of news has confirmed that the United States is considering more sanctions against China … in hopes of preventing Beijing from planning an invasion of Taiwan.

On the other hand, the European Union has also received diplomatic pressure from Taiwan to help stop Chinese actions having a negative effect on Taiwan.

The latest information says There have been separate movements from the Washington and Taipei governments lobbying for the EU diplomat.

to push the EU to impose more economic sanctions on China Amid concerns about the Chinese invasion of Taiwan

After the escalation of military exercises in the Taiwan Strait by the government of Beijing

Details of these measures were not disclosed.

Discussions on further sanctions against China are said to have started since Russia sent troops to invade Ukraine in February.

But it became an urgent matter after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in early August.

In January, the United States also imposed economic sanctions on Russia.

with the support of NATO member states in the hope of preventing Russia from invading Ukraine

but any effort to change Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mind on the matter must have failed.

Implementing economic sanctions against China may be more complex than sanctions against Russia.

The main reason is because the US and its allies have substantial economic ties to China … many times more than they have trade and investment interactions with Russia.

On the other hand, the US lawmaker has continued to put pressure on China by also introducing new laws in support of Taiwan.

US Senate Committee on International Affairs The resolution passed the Taiwan Policy Act with a score of 17 to 5.

From now on, the next step is The proposal must be reviewed at the US Senate General Assembly.

Analysts say the bill is the most comprehensive overhaul of US policy against Taiwan since 1979.

1979 was the year that the United States Congress passed the Taiwan Relations Act, or the Taiwan Relations Act. which paved the way for the US. Support Taiwan in strengthening its military powers to defend itself against the invasion of mainland China.

Senate International Affairs Committee Chair Bob Menendez said the bill will allow America to provide additional and ongoing security assistance to Taiwan. This will allow Taiwan to intercept aggression from China.

The United States does not require any changes in its Taiwan policy.

The Taiwan Policy Bill is 107 pages long.

It is a merger and a collection of important Taiwan-related issues in recent years.

An interesting point that analysts are particularly looking at is. Proposal to change the name of the Taiwan representative office in the United States to sound more serious and intense

It also plans to offer military aid to Taiwan worth $ 4.5 billion or around 166 billion baht over four years.

including raising Taiwan’s status to “Major Non-NATO Ally)

This amounted to another reignition as tensions in the Taiwan Strait had increased to a worryingly significant level.

Beijing will have to look to the US administration and legislator. Willing to move forward in many areas at the same time to put pressure on China on Taiwan.

It cannot be said that the US administration and legislator. independent of each other and no conspiracy to undermine China.

because karma is intentional

And if Washington plays such a game, China would surely find a concrete answer.

The world is becoming more stressful.

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