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The US Congress ordered to report on the conspiracy against President Allende. The one from Chile not yet (I)

Lectures: 612

There is a manifest and proven cause-and-effect relationship between the conspiracy to achieve the collapse of the State of Chile between September 1970 and 1973, the crimes against humanity and State terrorism that have occurred since September 11, 1973, and their impunity.

While in 1999 Pinochet was detained in London at the request of the Spanish President Allende Foundation and thousands of victims for the purpose of his extradition and trial before the National Court of Spain, the two Chambers of the US Congress approved the law known as “ Hinchey Amendment”, which ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to inform him of his activities against the government of President Allende and during the military dictatorship.

The text of the “Hinchey Amendment” accessible here in English originally published in its full translation into Spanish here.

The House of Representatives and the Senate approved ordering the CIA to “no later than 120 days after the date of promulgation of this Law, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall present to the corresponding commissions of Congress a report in which all the activities of the officers, undercover agents and employees are described. of all elements of the intelligence community regarding the following events in the Republic of Chile:

The assassination of President Salvador Allende in September 1973. Ascent of General Augusto Pinochet to the Presidency of the Republic of Chile.

Human rights violations committed by officials or agents of former President Pinochet.

The rationale for the vote exposes the will of the US legislature:

Representative NANCY PELOSSI: “If we, the United States and specifically the Central Intelligence Agency, had a role in the death of President Allende, just as if any Chilean had a role in it, leaving him behind requires facing the truth about it”

Representante BERNARD SANDERS: “I want to applaud the gentleman from New York (Mr. Hinchey) for his amendment. It’s no secret that, over the years, there have been many aspects of American foreign policy that have gone wrong.It is no secret that over the years, the United States has participated in the overthrow of various democratic governments.

In the case of Chile in 1973, there was a democratic government elected by the people. The President of that government was Salvador Allende. His policy was contrary to the corporate interests of the United States. Great pressure was exerted to overthrow him.

I think this is a very positive step as we develop ideas for the future, as we try to develop a democratic foreign policy.

So I think the amendment by the gentleman from New York (Mr. Hinchey) is very important. I think we should let the truth out, and I strongly support his efforts.”

Representative Mr. GEORGE MILLER: “Mr. President, I strongly applaud Mr. Hinchey’s amendment to require that Congress be informed of information in the possession of the United States regarding human rights violations in Chile carried out by General Augusto Pinochet and his forces.

The 1973 military coup in Chile was a tragic interruption in Chile’s proud democratic history. Thousands of innocent people were killed.

Many more were tortured and imprisoned. Among the dead are US citizens.

The military coup in Chile also represents a tragic chapter in American history.

It is now known that the United States supported the violent overthrow of a democratically elected government. But the full details of US support for the coup are still unknown.

We need to know all the details.

In addition, not all the details of the US information about the actions of the leader of the coup, General Augusto Pinochet, are known. (…) Along with my colleagues, I have been demanding that the United States provide information about the murderous actions of General Pinochet to a court in Spain that has brought charges against General Pinochet for violations of international law, including torture, murder and kidnapping. It is believed that the United States hosts files that would corroborate the accusations against General Pinochet. These files must be reviewed, declassified and delivered to the court in Spain. (…)

The actions in the 70s of the American intelligence community and of the so Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, towards Chile and other dictators of the southern cone are a shame never should forget them American citizens.

Los Representatives GEORGE MILLER y JOHN CONYERS they in turn stated that they had written to President Clinton on March 17, 1998: “The Administration and Congress should be alarmed at the Chilean government’s willingness to ignore mounting evidence of Pinochet’s involvement in the Letelier assassination.”

The Chilean Congress has not yet submitted for discussion an equivalent bill, which would order the directors of the secret services of the State of Chile to inform it of their activities aimed at destabilizing and destroying the democratic institutions of the Republic of Chile before 11 February. September 1973, overthrow the constitutional government, support the military dictatorship, commit murders, forced disappearances and systematic torture, and cover them up.

The CIA’s response to the US Congress will be published shortly by El Clarín.

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