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The US Center for Disease Control warns of the deadly “Chapar” virus

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” revealed that a deadly virus similar to Ebola can spread among people, as the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the rare infection had passed from one patient to 4 others in Bolivia, South America last year, and the “Chapar” virus was discovered. For the first time in humans, in 2003, when a person in Bolivia contracted the deadly Ebola-like virus from a rodent and died.

Chapare, the newspaper said, causes eye pain, stomach ache, bleeding gums, high fever, rash, and sometimes internal bleeding, much like Ebola, which baffled Bolivian scientists.

The newspaper added that infection with the Chapar virus causes high fever, abdominal pain, bleeding in the gums, eye pain and a skin rash, with additional confirmed cases of Chapar virus, there were only 6 known cases so far, after the initial case, nearly two decades ago, The virus seemed to have disappeared, but last year, a hospital near La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, contacted investigators from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and they had a strange set of diseases and suspected dengue fever, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes in the tropics.

Like Ebola, it can cause abdominal pain, nausea, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and if it develops into a more severe form, it causes life-threatening internal bleeding.

And one case was reported in the Bolivian province on which the disease was named in 2003 after it was transmitted from animals, apparently through rodent bites or scratches to humans, but now the CDC has confirmed that it appeared again in 2019 and spread from a patient. One to 4 others, 3 of the total 5 cases proved fatal.

CDC officials said they have noticed that hemorrhagic fevers like Chapare, Ebola, are rarely spread widely because they have immediate and obvious symptoms and often, unfortunately, become fatal before they have a chance to spread.

Most of the people who died in the 2019 outbreak weren’t from random, untraceable contacts, but health care workers who had to interact with the infected person while they were in their care, the newspaper said.

But when the Bolivian scientists tested the samples from the 5 patients, they were found to be completely negative for dengue, as well as for a whole host of other infections present in the area including other hemorrhagic fever and yellow fever.

The deadly chapar virus-

The newspaper pointed out that the CDC took each of the five samples on parts of the genetic material of the Chapar virus, through their investigations, CDC scientists suspect that the resident doctor who died in the outbreak may have transferred the virus to the ambulance paramedic who refreshed it via CPR is on the way to the hospital, allowing the virus to travel through body fluids.

The excrement of rodents found near the home of the first deceased patient also contained the virus, indicating the path that the virus passed from animals to humans.

One patient who survived still had detectable levels of Chapare in his semen, 168 days after catching it.

Ebola-like Chapar virus

Ebola-like Chapar virus-

The center said that the results are frightening for two reasons: The virus can spread from one person to another, the method of transmission that allowed the Corona virus to turn into a pandemic and it can continue, at least in small quantities for a long time, so far, 4 out of every 6 people infected with Shabar have died.

While this makes the virus more deadly than the coronavirus, it also means that the virus has a lower chance of spreading, it is also a highly symptomatic disease, and symptoms appear almost immediately after infection, this is the opposite. Corona VirusIt is estimated that 40% of cases do not show symptoms.

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