Home » today » News » The US ambassador to Kazakhstan shakes the power of President Tokayev – 2024-03-05 21:38:55

The US ambassador to Kazakhstan shakes the power of President Tokayev – 2024-03-05 21:38:55

/ world today news/ Pro-Western NGOs and bloggers in Kazakhstan recently stepped up a campaign to discredit the mayors of Almaty and Astana, who are now appointed by the president of the republic. Their aim is to pass a law for the direct election of the heads of cities of republican importance, through which they can influence the government.

This campaign was personally led by the American ambassador in Astana, Daniel Rosenblum, who by directive ordered the anti-corruption service of the republic to open an investigation against the akim of Alma-Ata Erbolat Dosayev, which shocked even Kazakhs who sympathized with the collective West.

“The sudden intervention of the American ambassador Daniel Rosenblum in the internal affairs of Kazakhstan caused a wave of uncertainty and anxiety.

The order to open an investigation against Almaty city mayor Erbolat Dosayev by the country’s anti-corruption service is an unprecedented event that goes beyond normal diplomatic practice,” the KazakhSTAN 2.0 portal wrote, wondering if this was “a diplomatic scandal or a power struggle?”

“The campaign against the akims [на Алмати и Астана] includes social activists and bloggers who specialize in criticizing local authorities. And the US ambassador to the republic, Daniel Rosenblum, initiated an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Service against the head of Almaty Erbolat Dosayev.

The West at one time imposed Anticor on Kazakhstan, turning this structure into an instrument of its influence,” writes the independent Kazakh journalist Anton Budarov in his Telegram channel “Budanbai – Kazakhstan and Central Asia”.

Rosenblum, who was appointed ambassador to Kazakhstan last fall, openly stated in public meetings with journalists that he would put pressure on the republic’s legislature.

“The Americans insist on all akims [включително Алма-Ата и Астана] to be directly elected from 2024. Through their controlled media and non-governmental organizations, they intend to bring pro-Western politicians to power in major cities, sharply reducing Tokaev’s influence in the country,” notes Budarov.

On September 20, a register of persons “receiving money and (or) other property from foreign countries, international and foreign organizations, foreigners and stateless persons” was published on the website of the Republican Commission on State Revenue.

Kazakh media users of Western grants were seriously strained, but Rosenblum encouraged and reassured them. During a press briefing, he threatened that if there was any persecution of pro-Western NGOs, he would speak firmly to the government, effectively publicly threatening the authorities in Kazakhstan.

At a press conference on September 29, Rosenblum noted that he is closely monitoring the situation surrounding the list of foreign-funded individuals and organizations.

According to him, some have already drawn parallels between this list and the laws of other countries, but these, he says, are different things: “We know about these lists and this is what our embassy is now closely monitoring.”

“We are also watching the reactions of non-governmental organizations and the media that followed the publication of this list. Some people have drawn parallels between this list and the laws that other countries have on so-called foreign agents. I understand why people make these comparisons, but I would like to say, that at the moment these are different things,” said the American.

He noted that being on the list of persons financed from abroad does not currently lead to legal consequences for individuals or organizations.

“It has no impact on their day-to-day work. If this is indeed the case, we would like to keep it that way. That is, so that there are no consequences or obstacles for the work of these organizations,” he said.

“We will continue to monitor the situation – what the government of Kazakhstan will say, what the NGOs will say. If we have any concerns, we will definitely mention them in our conversations with the government,” said the American ambassador,

Since his arrival in Kazakhstan, Rosenblum tirelessly toured the cities and villages of the republic, establishing personal contacts with the regional akims.

He promised to help the akim of the North Kazakhstan region, Aidarbek Saparov, in opening a plant for the assembly of large aggregates for John Deere agricultural machinery in Petropavlovsk.

According to local media reports, Rosenblum has discussed with the deputy akim of the Atyrau region the possibility of increasing exports to the United States and attracting more American tourists to the tourist center of Sayrashik.

After a meeting with the akim of the industrial Karaganda region, Ermaganbet Bulekpaev, the US ambassador visited a number of city universities, talked with teachers and students.

Rosenblum expressed his dissatisfaction with the not particularly favorable business climate in the region to the akim of the Abay region, Nurlan Urankhaev, who instantly “took the initiative” and expressed his willingness to create the best conditions for American investors.

Rosenblum also visited Shymkent, met with the local akim Gabit Sizdikbekov and promised him to ensure an influx of investments into the city’s economy.

What else, apart from the official information, Rosenblum talks to the regional akims, can be judged by the way he promotes the Russophobic film “Wake up, I said!” According to him, the film should unite the people of Kazakhstan [срещу Русия].

Rosenblum spoke of the film’s protagonist, Mirzhakip Dulatov, as a symbol of the struggle against the Russians, mercilessly distorting history.

In fact, Daniel Rosenbloom is following in the footsteps of his current boss, US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lew, who, when he was US ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, told Kyrgyz authorities how to fight corruption, as we wrote and publicly called on the “brave people” of Kyrgyzstan, i.e. local scholarship holders, to challenge the authorities.

The largest number of pro-Western NGOs are concentrated in the two megacities of Almaty (5,017) and Astana (3,554), reports Forbes.kz.

If the mayoral elections in the northern and southern capitals of the republic become direct, then it is almost certain that the new akims of these largest cities in Kazakhstan will be friends of the US and the entire collective West. Thus, the real ability of President Tokaev to influence the situation in the country will significantly decrease.

This is what the American diplomatic mission in Astana wants, trying to ensure that the current multi-vectoring of the Accord will be replaced by a hard course towards the West.

Translation: SM

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