Al-Marsad newspaper: Abdullah Al-Misnad, former professor of climate at Qassim University and vice president of the Weather Association, commented on the proposal to sterilize “castrate” male monkeys, and revealed the only solution to get rid of them.
He said during a tweet posted on his official account on the “X” platform: “Even if the males were sterilized (and castrated) and then released, this necessarily means that we will wait about 20 to 30 years until the sterilized males die (according to their lifespan), and we will wait this long period.” “We are suffering from this problem that is harming the local economy and tourism activity.”
He continued: “This also assumes that we are able to sterilize all the male monkeys in Saudi Arabia, which number about 100,000 males. This is almost impossible, and therefore the monkeys are multiplying in a frightening manner. We may not realize their danger to humans, the environment, and the economy in the near future.”
He concluded by saying: “The treatment is euthanasia for about 90% of them, and the reason is that they are a harmful, corrupting and invasive animal, and God knows best.”
2023-10-04 18:19:49
#AlMusnad #comments #proposal #castrate #male #monkeys #Kingdom.. #reveals #solution #rid