Seducing a woman in her workplace has advantages and disadvantages. The office is often an excellent hunting ground for a seducer, but can turn into mined territory if the flirt acts inconsiderately. For love and professional lives to go well together, a small inventory of things to do and avoid is useful.
First, make sure you are in a professional environment. No matter how attractive your colleague is, whether he is your subordinate or whether the work atmosphere is not conducive to flirting, stay away. Not only do progress in the wrong place can cost you dearly, but it can also seriously harm your reputation and your prospects for career.
Non-specific seduction techniques
A good seducer outside of work keeps his assets in the office. Indeed, the co-worker remains a woman first and foremost, and remains sensible to the same qualities that make her melt in a man outside the workplace.
But at the office tact and discretionn must be the two main virtues of the seducer. This is all the more true since there is no need to be insistent with a colleague. Since she works with you, she will not escape you and will be within your reach every working day. No need to insist on getting appointments in dribs and drabs.
Take advantage of coffee breaks to subtly distill your devastating humor, if possible by finding topics of conversation that do not relate to the joint work.
Show your interest in her, without forcing the situation. Remember that you are at work and that your behavior must remain irreproachable in all circumstances.
In conclusion, never forget to maintain your seductive nature while respecting the Limits determined by working together. In this way, you can maintain a balance ideal between professional ethics and seductive charm. Your colleague will be able to like you for who you are, without compromising your professional obligations.
Hard work and seduction are not incompatible
The work performed often reflects not only the skills, but also the human qualities of the employee. Intelligence, sense of responsibility, voluntary character, creative power and generosity in effort are attributes likely to impress a woman very favorably.
Incidentally, they will also charm your employer, who will have all the less to say about your possible romantic relationship as it benefits your work and the smooth running of the company. This is called, literally, doing coup double.
A man who is kind, honest et compassionate will always be respected by women. Finally, it is important to remember that women appreciate men who take matters into their own hands and have the courage to make bold decisions. In today’s world, a self-confident and successful man can be a source d’inspiration for the others.
By working hard, dedicating yourself and adopting a attitude positive, men can succeed in any field they choose. And when that happens, women are sure to notice!
Beware of the consequences of being too ostentatious
While France is relatively benevolent when it comes to the development of a romantic relationship at work, the same is not true in some more prudish countries, such as the United States. Depending on the code of morals imposed on employees, absolute discretion may be required.
Moreover, even if, in France, the development of a romantic relationship cannot be subject to dismissal, the resulting troubles and productivity deficits are possibly reprehensible. Discretion must again dictate conduct at work.
At last, relations where hierarchical relationships are grafted are to be avoided. The fantasy of the submissive secretary is difficult to transpose into real life where jealousy and supposed favoritism can quickly lead to industrial tribunals.
Although interprofessional relationships involve many pitfalls potential, they can work if both parties understand the risks and the Limits of their situation. The fact of being honest and clear about expectations at the beginning of the relationship can help fixer of the Limits and to ensure that all data subjects are treated equally.
With the good precautionsinterprofessional relationships can be beneficial for both parties and contribute to foster a safe working environment and productive.