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The Unprecedented Long-Distance Trip: Thionville Football Club’s Journey to New Caledonia for Coupe de France

The chance of the draw sends you more than 16,000 km from Thionville. Is your suitcase ready?

« [sourire] No ! Besides, I believe that everyone still has difficulty realizing this. We couldn’t get a trip further away, it’s unheard of in the history of the club. But hey, we will now have to plan for this meeting. »

Yes, but your suitcase?

“From a professional point of view, it will be very complicated to leave my company for ten days, especially at this time of year. I will rather give my place to a young person from the club. »

Your team is made up of amateur players. This means that they too have professional commitments. Will they be released from their obligations?

“I’m going to have to make a few calls to employers over the next few days… But I’m not too worried, they can’t ignore the opportunity this match represents for their employees. And also for the City of Thionville which will further gain visibility. Everyone can come out a winner. »

How do you finance this trip to the other side of the world?

“Fortunately, the French Football Federation (FFF) covers the plane tickets and accommodation. This package is valid for twenty-three elements of the club, players and staff included. If we wish to add leaders, this will be at our expense. »

Beyond the thermal shock, this 7th round of the Coupe de France has a little-known opponent in store for you. Worrying?

“Clearly, we know nothing about this team. But there is no doubt that they will be supported by a large audience. For our part, we will have to digest the hours of flight and quickly acclimatize to the climate that reigns in New Caledonia. Because beyond the change of scenery and the human adventure that color this trip, our objective is engraved in stone: we must qualify. To use a cliché phrase popular in football: we’re not going to make the trip for nothing! »

You are leader of your group in National 3. Don’t you fear that this long trip will break this great dynamic in the championship?

“I prefer to see the glass half full. Living such an experience can only unite a group. It’s unusual, it won’t happen twice in a career. As a manager, I will see if there is a possibility of postponing the championship match scheduled for our return from New Caledonia. I think that in this case, the French football authorities will be sensitive to this request…”

#Moselle #president #ThionvilleLusitanos #Coupe #France #draw #Dont #trip #Caledonia

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