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The unpleasant food that no one consumes but is vital for the proper functioning of the blood

Different foods are highlighted as positive for the care of the health due to the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients they provide to the body. Generally, those of natural origin are the most recommended and the ones that we can add to a diet plan where the nutritional aspect is prioritized.

Food and health. Source: Freepik

Between the vitamins Our body needs B6, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, is found in certain foods and is also produced in laboratories. It is necessary for the proper functioning of sugars, fats and proteins in the body, fulfilling important functions for the development of the skin, brain and nerves.

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Among other benefits offered by vitamin B6 are its participation in the normal functioning of protein metabolism and the production of neurotransmitters. In addition, this vitamin It intervenes in the formation of red blood cells, so it is necessary for the proper functioning of the blood.

Food and health. Source: Freepik

The National Library of Medicine states that vegetables, fruits, poultry, cereals, legumes, eggs, plants and fish are among the main foods rich in this vitamin. However, offal is one of those that practically no one consumes, but it provides up to 10 times more vitamin B6 than fish.

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There are various studies that show that adding this food to our diet offers a great benefit to overall health. Vitamin B6 is effective in treating a hereditary type of anemia called sideroblastic anemia and treating high levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood, just to give a few examples in which blood is involved. In addition, according to the National Institutes of Health (United States), maintaining a good level of this vitamin vitamin in our body could reduce the risk of suffering from certain types of cancer.

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