In the edition that will circulate May 19 to 25, The Universal Weekly presents on its cover Venezuela for a multipolar, de-dollarized and respectful world.
In section Economyindicates that the French Mission is interested in investment exchanges.
Meanwhile in international, Ecuador faces a new and dangerous institutional crisis.
For the section of sports, speed reigns once again in the Major Leagues.
In Arts and Entertainment, a Little Mermaid that has much more story to tell.
While in the section Lifestylereports humanity has been fighting AIDS for four decades.
In the Tourist guideindicates that the mountains of Yaracuy are painted in colors.
finally in matter technologicalannounces that the video game Zelda It hits the market after a long wait.
Get the new edition of The Universal Weekly at your favorite kiosk from May 19 to 25.
2023-05-20 13:05:40
#Universal #Semanal #Venezuela #multipolar #dedollarized #respectful #world