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The United States threatens Venezuela with reimposing sanctions – 2024-04-20 01:24:40

Matthew Miller, spokesman for the United States Department of State.

USA insisted this Tuesday that it will reimpose sanctions on Venezuela if the Barbados Agreements for free elections and called to be “attentive” to the decision that the Administration of Joe Biden It will take this week.

Next Thursday the relief of sanctions on Venezuelan oil and gas expires. Washington approved in October to encourage the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Madurocomplied with the agreements agreed with the anti-Chavista opposition.

«We are two days away from April 18. We have made it very clear that if Maduro and his representatives do not fully implement the Barbados Accords, we would reimpose sanctions. What I would say is: stay tuned.”said the State Department spokesperson, Matthew Millerin a press conference.

Miller highlighted that some aspects of the agreements have been fulfilled, such as the establishment of an electoral calendar and the invitation to international observation missions, but at the same time opposition candidates have been “blocked.”

The spokesman, who did not want to give details about last week’s meeting between US and Venezuelan officials in Mexico Cityassured that the Joe Biden Administration has made “very clear directly to Maduro and his representatives” that it expects compliance with the Barbados Agreements.

One of the conditions that the United States set for not reimposing the sanctions was that all opposition candidates could run, but the main opposition candidate, Maria Corina Machadoremains disqualified for the July 28 elections.

The electoral authorities also did not allow his replacement to be registered, Corina Yoriswhich even generated criticism from Maduro allies such as Colombia y Brazil. EFE (I)

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