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the United States risks default as early as July, warns a service of the American Congress

The level of arrears reached by the country prevents it from borrowing and leads it to take emergency measures to honor its financial commitments.

By Le Figaro with AFP


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The Congressional Budget Service has sounded the alarm. Andrea Izzotti / stock.adobe.com

The United States could find itself in default of payment as early as July, if no agreement is reached by then between the White House and the Republican opposition to raise the debt ceiling, alerted Wednesday the budget service of the Congress (CBO).

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According to the CBO “if the debt ceiling remains unchanged, the government’s ability to borrow using extraordinary measures will be exhausted between July and September 2023”. The country’s debt reached 31.4 billion dollars on January 19, a ceiling beyond which it can no longer borrow and must take emergency measures to honor its financial commitments.

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