The mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for the USA remains in force
- If you want to travel to the United States in the coming months, you will need to prove that you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The vaccination requirement against Covid-19 has been extended until April 10, 2023 by the Transportation Security Administration, the authority in charge of transportation security. The bond issue matured on January 8, 2023.
- In practice, all people intending to travel to the United States must present a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19 that mentions one of the vaccines accepted in the United States, namely Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson-Janssen and Sinopharm.
- US authorities require that people who have been vaccinated with a vaccine that requires 2 doses (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Sinopharm) have received 2 doses. The second dose must have been injected 14 days before departure for the USA. On the other hand, you don’t need to have a third or fourth dose to travel to the United States!
- Good to know: no Covid test is required for over 18s, either before the outward or return flight. There is one exception, though: testing is mandatory for anyone from China.
Rules for under 18s
- Children under 18 do not need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to travel to the United States.
- Instead, the authorities ask that minors under the age of 18 carry out a test against Covid-19 within 3-5 days of their arrival on American soil. However, the enforcement of this request remains more than vague as no authority is responsible for collecting the tests and no checks are performed.
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