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The United States exceeds 200,000 deaths from coronavirus, the most affected country in the world | Univision Salud News

The increase in infections and deaths, the increasing saturation of hospitals and the beginning of autumn multiply the restrictions in several European countries to stop the pandemic, which has claimed more than 965,000 lives worldwide, almost 200,000 of them in United States.

Between September 14 and 20, Europe recorded 4,000 new deaths and was the area that recorded the greatest increase in the number of deaths (+ 27% compared to the previous week).

In this context, the United Kingdom, the most mourning European country with almost 42,000 deaths, is going to impose new restrictions on England on Tuesday, such as a curfew for bars and restaurants and a return to teleworking.

The country raised the alert level for covid-19 to 4 (out of five), compared to the 3 that had been in place since June, which corresponds to a “high or exponentially increasing” level of transmission.

In Spain, another of the European countries hardest hit by the disease, almost a million inhabitants of the Madrid region have already been in a restricted mobility regime since Monday to try to contain the second wave of the virus.

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