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The United States commemorates the 9/11 attacks. Biden called for unity

On the eve of the twentieth anniversary, US President Joe Biden dedicated the memory to almost 3,000 victims of the attacks. President and video from the White House honored the memory of the victims of the attacks and commemorated thousands of others who were injured. He also mentioned firefighters, paramedics and many other people who took their lives during the rescue work.

Biden also pointed to “the dark side of human nature – fear and anger, resentment and violence against Muslim Americans, true and faithful followers of a peaceful religion,” which he said weakened but did not destroy American unity.

“For me, the main lesson of 9/11 is that when we are most vulnerable, ‘in the battle for the soul of America, unity is our greatest asset,” he said. “Unity does not mean we have to believe the same thing. We must have fundamental respect and faith in each other and in this nation, “he added.

During Saturday, President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will visit all three sites associated with the September attacks. First, the American head of state speaks at a memorial in New York, where two planes piloted by suicide bombers crashed into two skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, which claimed the lives of 2,753 people.

Biden will also visit the Pentagon in Arlington, Washington, where a third plane crashed, and a memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where a fourth plane crashed after passengers fought terrorists. informs BBC.

The commemoration of the event is taking place at a very difficult time for the current US president, who has been facing strong criticism in recent weeks for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the BBC writes. The US presence in Afghanistan began less than a month after the 9/11 attacks. Biden has vowed to leave Afghanistan for the 20th anniversary of the attacks.

In the initial announcement of the withdrawal, Biden called it unlikely that the radical Taliban movement would seize power in the country after the United States left. However, fighters of the Islamist movement launched an offensive during the withdrawal of troops and conquered the capital Kabul in less than ten days.

Biden’s predecessors also commemorated the victims and rescuers. Former President Donald Trump called today “very sad.” “September 11th is a great sorrow for our country,” Trump said in a video, praising the work of rescuers and other intervening people. At the same time, however, he criticized his successor in office for leaving Afghanistan. “The leader of our country looked like a fool, and that was never supposed to happen. It was caused by poor planning, unbelievable weakness and leadership that do not understand what is really going on, “Trump criticized.

“This year was to be a year of victory, honor and strength. Instead, Joe Biden and his administration gave up and lost. We will live on, but our country will be marked for a long time to come, “added Trump.

Former President Barack Obama, who was the head of the White House from 2009 to 2017, praised the heroism of many Americans. “One thing that was evident on September 11 – and it’s been clear ever since – is that America has always been home to heroes who have been in danger of doing what is right,” Obama said.

He mentioned firefighters running up the stairs in the skyscrapers while the others ran downstairs, passengers who stood up to the terrorists and volunteers who helped after the attacks. “Over the last 20 years, we have seen the same courage and selflessness over and over again,” said Obama, who also recalled the courage of pandemic paramedics, forest firefighters and soldiers working to save Americans and refugees.

British Queen Elizabeth II. in a message to Biden, she stated that she dedicated her prayers to the victims and survivors of the attacks. “My thoughts and prayers – and the thoughts of my family and the whole nation – are with the victims, the surviving and affected families, as well as the rescuers,” she said. The Queen also noted that she still remembers vividly how she visited the site of the New York twins in 2010.

“It reminds me that by honoring those of the many nations, religions, and backgrounds who have lost their lives, we also pay tribute to the resilience and commitment of the communities that have worked together to rebuild.” quotes Elizabeth II The Times.

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that the attackers failed to “shake our faith in freedom and democracy”. The prime minister also said the threat of terrorism persisted, but people around the world refused to live their lives in “permanent fear.” “The fact that we are meeting today – in grief, but also in faith and determination – shows the failure of terrorism and the strength of the bonds between us,” Johnson was quoted as saying by The Times.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said on Twitter that today we commemorate the victims and pay tribute to those who risked everything to help them. “Even in the darkest and most difficult times, the best of human nature can shine through. The EU stands with the US in defending freedom and compassion against hatred, “von der Leyen wrote.

The President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, said in a statement that the fight against terrorism had not ended. “September 11th has changed world history. That day remains an open wound in our hearts, we will never forget it. 20 years later, the fight against terrorism is not over. We will always remain vigilant, “said Sassoli.

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