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The United Nations General Assembly 2023: Focus on Geosecurity, Resistance to China, and Taiwan

On March 27, 2023, artillery was firing during the Russia-Ukraine war. (Photo credit: ARIS MESSINIS/AFP via Getty Images)

[Look at China News on October 2, 2023]The United Nations General Assembly was held on September 19. Xi Jinping did not attend as usual. It is worth mentioning that the side meetings of this United Nations General Assembly were relatively eye-catching. During the conference, the “Quartet Security Dialogue” ( The foreign ministers of QUAD member states the United States, Australia, India, and Japan reiterated their firm commitment to freedom, openness, inclusiveness, and resilience in the Indo-Pacific region.

The current session of the United Nations General Assembly was held recently. Compared with the past, it is characterized by focusing on the international geosecurity situation, and the side meetings are more eye-catching. In addition to the Russia-Ukraine war, which still attracts much attention, the issue of “resisting China and protecting Taiwan” has also become more concerned, and Taiwan The degree of international attention attracted by his claims is also unprecedented.

The United Nations General Assembly was held on September 19. Among the major powers, the leaders of Britain and France were absent. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was condemned last year, was absent again. Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend in accordance with the practice in recent years. Even the director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Communist Party of China, who has represented China many times, did not attend. Wang Yi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was also absent “without reason” and was only symbolically represented by Vice President Han Zheng, repeating old slogans such as “Don’t underestimate China’s determination towards Taiwan.”

The CCP’s avoidance of Wang Yi’s “unexcused” absence from media inquiries is unavoidable and unavoidable, which is unusual and has real implications – Xi Jinping’s attendance at APEC and possible “visiting meeting with Xi” at the end of the year may change the arrangements and intensify the world’s perception of China’s diplomatic situation. A sense of chaos and incompetence is not a good sign for Xi Jinping’s “stability maintenance” at home and abroad.

The side meeting of the United Nations General Assembly is eye-catching

It is worth mentioning that the side meetings of this UN General Assembly were relatively eye-catching. During the General Assembly, the foreign ministers of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan, members of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), met on September 22 to reaffirm freedom in the Indo-Pacific region. , openness, inclusiveness, and resilience, and pointed out that China “strongly opposes attempts to unilaterally change the status quo through force.”

On September 21, representatives from Taiwan, the United States, Japan, and Australia co-organized a “Sustainable Development” seminar. This is a “Global Cooperation and Training Framework” (GCTF) event. By accelerating the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Partnership, Let’s jointly build an inclusive, strong, and secure Indo-Pacific region.

In addition, a well-known New York non-profit organization held the Concordia Summit. President Tsai delivered a video speech, emphasizing that Taiwan is an important partner of the international democratic society and occupies a key position in the global supply chain. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is in the interest of everyone, and thanked many countries for their support. Taiwan’s international participation highlights the demand for “internationalization of the Taiwan issue.”

In related activities of this session of the United Nations General Assembly, Taiwan emphasized its call for international attention to “correct the erroneous interpretation of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758” to highlight that “China cannot represent Taiwan” and completely resolve the issue of Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations.

President Tsai Ing-wen and Representative to the United States Hsiao Meiqin spoke out together. In addition to calling for the maintenance of stability across the Taiwan Strait, they also emphasized the promotion of four major demands for participation in the United Nations: first, calling on the United Nations to correct the wrong interpretation of Resolution 2758; second, correct the improper deprivation of Taiwanese people and media The right to participate in United Nations activities; third, actively safeguard peace across the Taiwan Strait; fourth, allow Taiwan to meaningfully participate in meetings and activities related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition to the above appeals, Taiwan also spoke for Taiwan through its diplomatic allies during the general debate, including through the permanent representatives of friendly countries to the United Nations who jointly sent a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, requesting an amendment to the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution No. 2758 An erroneous interpretation of the resolution to address the issue of Taiwanese being improperly excluded from the United Nations system.

Calling for correction of misunderstandings on UN General Assembly Resolution 2758

It is particularly worth noting that the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, the largest organization in the U.S. House of Representatives with 229 cross-party members, also issued a statement supporting Taiwan’s participation in international organizations and strongly opposed the United Nations’ actions such as misleading the 2758 resolution. Reject Taiwan’s participation in the international arena. In July this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill clearly stating that Resolution 2758 “does not address the issue of the representation of Taiwan and its people in the United Nations or related organizations.”

U.S. President Biden’s speech seemed to set the tone for this session of the United Nations General Assembly. In his speech at the General Assembly on September 19, Biden warned the world that it “cannot try to appease” Russia’s “naked aggression” against Ukraine and must stand up to Russia’s aggression “to intimidate “To deter other possible aggressors tomorrow” obviously means something; in terms of US-China relations, it also stated that the United States has no intention to contain any country, but to responsibly manage competition between the United States and China to avoid it turning into a conflict.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made his first speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, urging the world to resolutely oppose Russia’s “genocide” against Ukraine, and tried to persuade developing countries that were still hesitant to emphasize that Ukraine The victory of Ukraine is closely related to the national livelihood resources of all countries and is closely related to them. Supporting Ukraine to defeat Russia will definitely benefit the whole world.

On September 20, at the United Nations Security Council, Zelensky had a head-on confrontation with Russian diplomats. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the rotating chairman of the meeting, motioned to Zelensky, who was wearing military uniform, to speak first. This was strongly opposed by Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia, and Rama refuted: “There is one problem with this question. The solution is that if you (Russia) agree to stop the war, President Zelensky does not have to speak.” Zelensky then condemned Russia as a “criminal” for invading Ukraine and called for the lifting of Russia’s veto power in the Security Council.

In addition, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed concern about China’s recent promulgation of a “new map” and a “ten-dash line” that have caused territorial disputes among neighboring countries, indicating that East Asian countries are even more worried about China’s expansion and the South China Sea issue.

At last year’s United Nations General Assembly, the main focus was on the Russia-Ukraine war, the new crown epidemic, climate change, global food price increases and other issues. Biden severely condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression at the United Nations General Assembly on September 21 last year, criticizing the move as a shameless violation of the United Nations Charter. On the same day, Zelensky addressed the General Assembly via video link and proposed a ten-point plan, including the restoration of Ukraine Territorial integrity, withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities, restoration of Ukrainian state borders, as well as urging the United Nations to punish Russia for its aggression, demanding the stripping of Russia’s veto power, calling for the establishment of special tribunals and a compensation fund. The congress also overwhelmingly passed a resolution “condemning Russia’s annexation of parts of Ukraine.”

In contrast, this session of the United Nations General Assembly highlights the Russia-Ukraine war, the resistance against China and Taiwan, and the South China Sea issue. The significance of controlling the current expansion of authoritarian regimes and geopolitical conflicts is far greater than the prevention of sustainable development, climate issues, food issues, wealth inequality, etc. Long term crisis. For Taiwan, the appeals and actions to the international community are more specific, and the trend of “internationalization of the Taiwan issue” is also more clear.

(The article was reprinted by “Look at China” with the authorization of “Minbao”.Original link

(The article only represents the author’s personal position and views) Source: Minbao–All rights reserved. Reprinting in any form requires China’s authorization. It is strictly prohibited to create mirror websites.

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2023-10-02 00:57:00

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