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the United Kingdom will “be isolated”, relations with Europe “will be difficult”, worry French MPs

With less than a week of the concrete implementation of Brexit and two days after the signing of an agreement on future trade relations between the European Union and the British government, the MEP and vice-president of Agir, Fabienne Keller, estimates Saturday, December 26, on franceinfo, that after this “historical fact”, it is now “fundamental to keep a friendly relationship” with the United Kingdom which “going to be isolated”. “No Member State had ever wanted to leave the Union. Until then, it was only attractive”, she notes.

The UK will “to remain itself, with its 50 million inhabitants, where we are 400 million inhabitants, a considerable internal market, a capacity and a will to support each other”, notes Fabienne Keller. The MEP does not think that Brexit can lead to new departures of members of the European Union.

The British economy is rather doing a little worse than that of the other countries of the Union.

Fabienne Keller

to franceinfo

Fabienne Keller affirms that the European Parliament will give its opinion on the text “as it is” but she believes that“It is useful that he looks at the concrete consequences and asks for clarification on such or such point, or that this opens additional discussions for details of implementation”. Some details of the post-Brexit trade deal, which is due to be passed in just a few days, have had the effect of a “choc” for the MEP, vice-president of Agir.

The fact that the United Kingdom is leaving the Erasmus exchange program is, according to her, in particular, “a great paradox at a time when the European Union increases the Erasmus budget by 70%”. “It is also a tremendous contribution to have young Europeans who come to irrigate the university, to train there, to create a lifelong bond with their teachers, with young fellow students. It is a pity. for all these human ties “, regrets Fabienne Keller.

“Relations between the UK and the continent will be more difficult”, warned Saturday on franceinfo Jean-Louis Bourlanges, MoDem deputy of Hauts-de-Seine and former European deputy, from 1989 to 2007. He believes that the European Union has shown its “cohesion” and that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson find himself “in a somewhat difficult situation” at the end of the trade agreement on trade between the two parties, the content of which was made fully public on Saturday.

The European Union has deeply shown its strength and the British have not succeeded in breaking the game of the whole as they certainly fundamentally wanted.

Jean-Louis Bourlanges

to franceinfo

Jean-Louis Bourlanges believes that the United Kingdom has repeatedly tried to “to make loose” European construction. “When they came out, it was because they felt that Europe was ripe to break up. (…) However, it happened exactly the opposite, that is to say that the cohesion of the European Union was manifested “, analyzes Jean-Louis Bourlanges. The Modem deputy recalls that “the Franco-German plan, supported by the commission, was accepted by the Dutch who did not want it and by the Poles and Hungarians who were reluctant. (…) The whole held up”. “We have made at least the worst possible deals”.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in a situation “a bit difficult”, according to Jean-Louis Bourlanges, in particular because Joe Biden, the new president of the United States “is very attached to the construction of Europe. He knows very well that it is a global strengthening for the Western powers and he is very attached to maintaining privileged links with the European Union”.

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