25 years after its creation, the Koh-Lanta adventure game is broadcast in around twenty countries around the world. Even though survival is common to all versions, the show is not at all the same from one country to another.
Survivor in the United States, Robinson Expedition in Scandinavia, The Island of Celebrities in Italy or even Koh-Lanta for France, in reference to the Thai region of his first shoot. These names actually refer to the same program whose objective is to survive in a hostile environment.
Invented by British producer Charlie Parsons, the survival show was first launched in Sweden in 1997, before experiencing a worldwide boom thanks to the success of its American version, still broadcast on CBS.
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In 2022, Koh-Lanta was even still on display in 22 countries, from South Africa to Denmark, via Australia and the Philippines.
Nevertheless, questioned by The ParisianJulien Magne of Adventure Line Productions (ALP), the French referent of the program, said: “Each version is very linked to each country’s television culture.” Panorama.
In the United States: strategy first
The American inspiration of the game gives the premium to “game and strategy”, according to Bertrand Villegas of The Wit, a firm specializing in the international content market, questioned by The Parisian.
Candidates’ primary motivation: money, with one million dollars promised to the winner, against 100,000 euros in France, in order to motivate them to exceed their limits.
“All shots are allowed”confirms Julien Magne, citing the example of Jon Dalton, a member of Survivor who became famous for having invented the sudden death of his grandmother in order to curry favor with his teammates.
Moreover, Survivor relies on very distinct clans: on the one hand the good guys and on the other the bad guys, the young against the older…
In Italy: make way for reality TV
Far from this Anglo-Saxon taste for strategy, the island of the famous, the Italian Koh-Lanta, is distinguished by its more reality TV orientation. “It’s not the same atmosphere. It’s real entertainment,” confirms French producer Julien Magne.
Sculpted bodies and sexy outfits, live eliminations… the Italian show assumes this aspect turned to the show. It also gives pride of place to the joke, as when a participant has his chest shaved to prove his love.
“Private life is also invited via live exchanges between the candidates in duplex from the other side of the world and their relatives present on set in Italy”, notes Bertrand Villegas.
In France: beyond its limits
This approach to the show has inspired Spain and South American countries, but not France, which wants to leave an important place to surpassing oneself and survival. “We are really in the myth of Robinson Crusoe“, describes Julien Magne.
If it sometimes draws abroad, like the concept of the island of the banished borrowed from the American Survivor, French production has been able to create its own mechanics, with for example ambassadors and posts.
In France as elsewhere, the adventure is not about to stop. After a long hiatus, Brazil will relaunch the survival show, as will the UK, where the format was picked up by the BBC.
2023-04-18 17:00:00
#KohLanta #Sweden #Italy #United #States #survival #show #world