Home » Entertainment » The Unique Style and Concept of Wes Anderson’s Four Films: A Symbiosis of Theater and Film

The Unique Style and Concept of Wes Anderson’s Four Films: A Symbiosis of Theater and Film

There’s a lot you need to know about the four films before you jump in blindly and be completely surprised by the style. As usual, the image composition, colors, costumes and production designs are 100 percent Wes Anderson. His handwriting is unmistakable. You love it or you don’t, but they are definitely beautiful to look at. The individual films are “read out” by a narrator extremely close to the original texts by Roald Dahl. The actors perform what is being told at the same time. And this “live aspect” runs through the entire film concept. The sets are rebuilt and adjusted during the films, the actors (the main roles are exclusively occupied by men) even have their wigs swapped and costumes changed in front of the camera. The pace of the narration is incredibly fast. But all of these properties make the crucial difference. While other film productions invest millions in de-aging effects, Anderson simply has the make-up artist stick on a new beard. Instead of incredible CGI effects, wooden sets are pushed around on wheels. And when we talk about a rat in the hands of the Pied Piper, the audience simply has to imagine it. It’s like the perfect symbiosis of theater and film, reduced to the bare essentials. Spectators are challenged and you should stay attentive and pay attention to details. More than unusual in this day and age, when films are often stretched to three full hours, even though the plot could have been told in half that time. Wes Anderson does the opposite. The first of the four films in particular has what it takes to become the best Wes Anderson film of all time. If you get involved and try to understand the message between the lines. But you should now work it out yourself.

2023-09-30 01:03:18
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