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The Unique Singer Emil Dimitrov: Son of Hypnosis, Fakira Miti, and Madame Sizi

The future maestro of the Bulgarian stage played operas on the accordion as a student

Fakira Miti hypnotized the woman of his life and that’s how they met for the first time.

In those years, Siika Pavlikyanova lived on the steep, short street “Maritsa”, two blocks from Miti’s father’s house in Pleven. The beautiful girl secretly looked at the slender man with fiery eyes, but he did not recognize her. Once he noticed her walking in the city garden and

in the back of 3 meters suggested her to turn off the alley and sit on a bench. She accepted the command

from a distance they both met.

“After a few evenings, they showed up at home and announced: ‘We got married.’ They were brought together by love that ignited at first sight. They stayed true to her until the end.” This is what 92-year-old Miroslav Dimitrov, now deceased, told “24 Chasa” in 2008. He is the brother of Fakira Miti and uncle of the legendary singer Emil Dimitrov.

After the wedding, the newly graduated high school student became her husband’s assistant and entered the sessions under the stage name Madame Sisy.

“The fakir placed her between 2 chairs, numbed her to complete immobility and began to lift her into the air. Finally, he would leave her hanging between the floor and the ceiling. The focus took the viewers breath away, some were afraid to look

perhaps it is hung on an invisible hook

Sizzy also mastered a complex trick in which, like Harry Houdini, he managed to free himself from a closed chest, chained in heavy chains”, Miroslav Dimitrov recalled then.

As a child, Fakira Mitty was quite mischievous and the teachers kept calling his parents. The change occurred in the 8th grade, then Dimitar Dimitrov became passionate about the sacraments and read loads of occult literature. The first to sense his abilities as a medium was the capital Prof. Mikhalchev and invited him to Sofia for some time.

When Dimitar was 18 years old, the famous Romanian Madame de Tep came to Pleven. At the screenings in the neighborhood cinema “Odeon”, the young man personally shared his dream with her and after the tour he went with her. He completed a course in Bucharest and then returned to Pleven.

“Mom, dad, I’m already a magician!” he announced and started the performances. In the crowded hall, he ordered everyone to clasp their hands tightly together. Mitty would choose someone and dangle them in space almost as if under a spell.

He gave others an onion, but suggested: “Eat the apple, it’s very juicy and sweet!” Onya gnawed greedily, but instead of shedding tears, she blossomed into a smile.

Somewhere around 1938, Dimitar changed his name to Fakira Miti”, described his brother Miroslav in 2008.

While traveling from town to town, Miti met his first wife Mariika Stoyanova from Popovo. She followed him as Madame Marita. They had no children and soon separated.

He’s well advanced in his career – stunning packed halls by plunging steel blades into his body without shedding a drop of blood. He runs red-hot irons over his lips. Not far from him is Madame Sisy, who participates in increasingly complex séances.

“People in Pleven flocked to the “Odeon” salon when they saw a poster with Mitty and Sisy. They already lived in Sofia, but often performed in their hometown.

At the telepathy sessions, Faqira Miti would choose a person from the audience. I still don’t know how it happened, but the chosen one always conveyed his thoughts with great accuracy.

Mitty was “talking to his stomach”. He recreated long dialogues with the Ivancho and Gancho dolls. He did not open his mouth, but two different voices were heard,

said the 87-year-old Liliana Petrova from Pleven.

Mitty and Sissy’s family happiness is complete when their sons Emil and Yuli are born. In high school, the future maestro of the Bulgarian stage Emil Dimitrov played operas on the accordion. Stretching the huge black “Weltmeister”, his repertoire alternates the overture to “The Barber of Seville” by Rossini, “The Light Cavalry” by Supe, “Dance with Sabers” from the ballet “Gayane” by Khachaturian. The entire First Pleven High School falls silent to hear Emil. He also achieves perfection on the piano.

But Nazar’s baritone part in the operetta “Wedding in Malinovka” shoots him to the top. Performances are performed on the stage of the drama theater with unprecedented success.

On the surface, Emil looked like a romantic hero from a movie

– delicate skin, eyes with an olive shine, long curled eyelashes. A true son of a Fakir and a Madame – dazzling with her bright lipstick and drawn eyebrows, according to her classmates from the 1958 class.

As “24 Chasa” wrote recently, the grandson of Emil Dimitrov – Martin, strikingly resembles his grandfather when he was young. He turned 21 years old and on this occasion his father – Emil Dimitrov Jr., published his photo on Facebook. He inherited his grandfather’s talent, since he was a child he brilliantly sang the hits “My country” and “Our signal”. He’s not into music, though. His interests are in the financial sphere, he is a second year student at the Catholic University of Milan.

When Emil Dimitrov was in XI grade, he and his parents left for Sofia.

Yuli becomes an illusionist like his father

They do performances together, but he also performs with his program as Miti-sin. At the age of 39, he died of kidney disease in September 1982. His mother could not spare him, the grief killed her in January 1983. Mitty died of a heart attack in 1989. Emil kept his beloved dolls Gancho and Ivancho as a memory, arranged the genealogical chronicle of Miroslav Dimitrov in 2008.

The first in the great family is Dimitar from Lyaskovets. He married Kiratsa from a wealthy Arbanash family, they had 10 children. The man from Lyaskov goes on a gurbet near Vienna. He started gardening there, then bought properties, fields and forests near Pavlikeni. Opens commercial offices in Ruse for export to Austria.

Later, the bank in which he invested his savings went bankrupt. After bankruptcy, he sells everything and then buys it back. Kiratsa, on the other hand, sat for a month at the Holy Sepulcher, a pilgrim returned. In Pavlikeni they stopped her on the street,

baptized and kissed her hand

like a saint. One of the sons of Dimitar and Kiratsa was named after his father and became the head of a post office.

Dimitar Jr. married Atanaska from Pleven, whose father runs a pub in Sir Pazar. Their sons were born in 3 cities where the postman served. Dimitar – Fakir Miti, appeared in Pavlikeni in 1910. Yuli was born after 3 years in Mezdra. Miroslav was born in Vratsa in 1916.

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