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The unique plant that grows in the Silent Zone of Chihuahua and helps control diabetes

The diabetes it’s a public health problem in Mexicountil 2021, in Mexico there were 14.1 million diabetics. Until before the pandemic this disease was the second cause of death in the country, according to data from the

Medical Journal of the Mexican Social Security Institute

According to the
Pan American Health Organization
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels (or blood sugar), which over time leads to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. The most common is type 2 diabetesusually in adults, who occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or does not produce enough insulin.

For people living with diabetes, access to affordable treatment, including insulin, is critical to their survival. In addition to drugs, prickly pear It is highly effective in helping control diabetes.

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Which nopal is good for diabetes?

The nopal is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals essential for health. It contains high levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesiumwhich makes it a very nutritious food for strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and maintain bone health.

In addition, the nopal is known for its ability to reduce blood glucose levelswhich makes it beneficial for people with diabetes. Its high fiber content helps control blood sugar levels and maintain stable energy levels throughout the day, according to the

Government of Mexico

In addition Rocio Romeroa nutritionist at the IMSS Regional General Hospital number 1 in Tijuana, Baja California, said that nopal
helps eliminate excess cholesterol
preventing much of it from being absorbed and does not accumulate in veins and arteries.

It is important to point out that the nopal is an auxiliary to improve and under no circumstances should it be consumed as a substitute for medications prescribed by a doctor.

Where does the purple prickly pear grow?

In it Chihuahuan Desertin a place known as the Zone of Silencea curious plant species is found: The purple cactus (Opuntia violacea).

The transformation of green to purple cactus It is due to water stress that plants experience in winter. The purple color is a sign that the plant needs waterWhen it does not receive enough, the green pigments of chlorophyll are replaced by others that produce the distinctive violet hue.

During the rainy season these plants are green, but in winter, when temperatures drop and water is scarce, they turn red or purple.

The leaves and fruits of the purple nopal are edible and are used in a variety of dishes and medicinal remedies.

This species of nopal, in addition to helping regulate blood sugar levels, also has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. These compounds can reduce inflammation in the bodywhich is beneficial for people suffering from diseases such as arthritis.

Consumption of nopal reduces the risk of complications during diabetes, It has no side effects and is low costso you could implement it in your treatment against diabetes.

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