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the unique meatless menu in school canteens is controversial and takes on a national scale

The municipality of Lyon has decided to set up, from Monday February 22, a single menu without meat (but with fish and eggs) to streamline meals in school canteens. The Minister of the Interior, Géralrd Darmanin is crying scandal.

The Education Assistant of the City of Lyon, Stéphanie Léger, had announced to her elected officials the establishment of a single meal, “ without meat ”, but with fish in schools from this Monday February 22. This decision was taken to take into account the sanitary protocol and to facilitate the taking of meals by the children.
But since this Saturday evening, this local decision has taken on national proportions. Everyone has their own commentary. The Minister of the Interior speaks “of a scandalous ideology

Guest of our regional newspaper this Sunday evening, Grégory Doucet responded to the controversy: ”I did not know that the Minister of the Interior was also Minister of school canteens. We already have a Minister of National Education who gave us a very demanding health protocol. We had to adapt our organization in the canteens so as to scrupulously respect the protocol

Since this Saturday evening, it is through social networks that the exchanges have been made.
The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin who denounces ” a scandalous ideology ” tweeted these remarks: ” In addition to the unacceptable insult to French farmers and butchers, it is clear that the moralist and elitist policies of the Greens exclude the popular classes. Many children often only have the canteen to eat meat ”

Words which inevitably made the mayor of Lyon, Grégory Doucet react… He also tweeted… a long answer… He did not fail to recall the “exceptional” measure he takes with these menus 100% without meat had already been put in place, during the first confinement by Gérard Collomb. Gérard Collomb, former mayor of Lyon, former Minister of the Interior, former socialist who became LREM in 2017.

We did not hear you make these comments to Gérard Collomb, a member of your political family and who had taken exactly the same measure during the first wave. While we guarantee a balanced meal for all of our schoolchildren, thousands of students await your measurements. Do not hesitate to lend a look for them. For those who sincerely wonder about this measure, the municipal education assistant has already answered the reason for this measure. You will find here the policy that we lead for a sustainable & local food and the encouragement of more “vegetable” meals which goes in the direction of strategy of the “vegetable protein plan” of your government. But you probably don’t know. ”

A few hours later it was the Minister of Agriculture who got involved. He also tweeted and approached the Prefect of the Rhône. ” Let’s stop putting ideology on our children’s plates ! he writes. Dlet’s just give them what they need to grow well. Meat is one of them ”.

The farmers and breeders of the Rhône are also part of the debates. They have planned to demonstrate, for a long time, this Monday, February 22, in Lyon. They denounce a ”disengagement of the State in several cases and the decision of the Mayor of Lyon to impose a meal without meat in the schools of the city ”.

The Rhône breeders, very upset, have asked to be received by the mayor of Lyon, Grégory Doucet about the meatless menu, which should be in place for at least the next seven weeks.
This Sunday evening, on our antenna, he replied: ”As for the breeders, we are already working with them. We will continue to work with them. My priority is to ensure that in canteens, in school restaurants, there are more and more meats, bovines, pigs… local meats. I want to work with the breeders who are installed around Lyon to have quality in our school restaurants. ”

The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region did not tweet but reacted at length to on the facebook page, denounce ”beyond provocation, a form of hypocrisy” from the Greens and the far left and regrets that “may the epidemic have a good back”.

For Grégory Doucet who defends his unique menu. ”It is a matter of practicality. The prefect was seized. He is sovereign and he will pronounce himself”.

video length: 02:44

Meatless menu: G. Doucet reacts to Xavier Rolland and Paul Thiry’s microphone

In Lyon, some 29,000 students eat lunch in school canteens.

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