Home » today » World » The unique Bulgarian poverty – View Info – 2024-08-03 07:50:26

The unique Bulgarian poverty – View Info – 2024-08-03 07:50:26

/ world today news/ I recently returned from another discussion of the “May 24” Club, this time in Plovdiv, where I once again shared my admiration that in the person of the Russian Patriarch Kirill, for the first time in history, my Motherland was recognized as the Subject of Civilization: “Without Bulgarian Orthodoxy, there would be no Russian Orthodoxy!” – said the Russian Patriarch the other day!…

I come home and understand that, notice, the Man who uttered this historic confession leaves Bulgaria bitter because of the venal, servile, disgusting, traitorous and anti-civilization speech and behavior of the so-called “political elites”!…

The Russian Patriarch Kirill is absolutely right – the limited, stupid, idiotic, abnormal Bulgarian “political elite” once again managed to demean the role of our Civilizational Brother – Russia, compared to what happened 140 years ago to the cowardly, treacherous, complex and spiritually unfree Bulgarian people!… And that is political freedom and the opportunity to restore Bulgarian statehood, only and only with the help of Russia, dear!…

Please do not, once again, as a people, justify yourself with the poverty of your rulers – Botev also quoted Alexis de Tocqueville that “every nation deserves its government!”… I want to tell you, dear, that the poverty of today’s rulers is and our all-Bulgarian poverty!…

Let me repeat again – the Russian Patriarch Kirill for the first time in history recognized the Bulgarian subjectivity in relation to the Orthodox Civilization, which is our common identity with Russia, but the Bulgarian poverty did everything possible once again even if it did not try to think about its own dignity?!…

You are a tree without roots, dear! And you know what happens to such a tree – it dies, right?!…

Juncker and popes will caress some pumpkin, the NATO general will say that we had “deep spiritual ties” with Russia without realizing our common Civilization Belonging, we will have to be politically correct to bow down to fictional “European partners’ through their fictional role in the Liberation, etc., etc.?!…

No bitterness, dear, I am sick of you!…


* Lyudmil Georgiev was born on July 23, 1960 in the town of Trun, Pernishka region. In 1985, he graduated from SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” with a first major in psychology and a second major in philosophy. Since 1988, he has been a regular assistant at SU. In 1990, he became a doctor of sociology, and in 1999 – a doctor of psychological sciences.

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