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The unions of the Toulon-La Seyne Hospital Center are still demanding a bonus of 1500 euros “for all”

Four deputies, a joint letter: that sent, this Thursday, June 4, by the three representatives of the unions of the Toulon-La Seyne intercommunal hospital center (FO, CGT and CFDT), meeting in inter-union. As they have also written to the director, the Var delegate from the Regional Health Agency, and the Minister of Health, they are opposed to the payment of a bonus ” two speed “, Promised by the government according to a geographical distribution. If the Var is one of the forty departments where its amount is 500 euros, the Chits is part of a list of establishments that can claim by derogation from a bonus of 1,500 euros. However, only 40% of the workforce could benefit, a quota defined on ministerial instructions and called to be validated by a decree amending that of May 14.

The 40% quota: “it’s no”

Twelve days before the meeting of the Technical Establishment Committee (CTE) within the Chits (June 18), pressure is mounting among staff.

We can only protest against this national quota and its local application “, Wrote Jean-Eric Lodevic, secretary general of FO, Manon Magagnosc, secretary general of the CGT, and Franck Fabre, secretary of the CFDT section, to deputies Geneviève Levy, Jean-Louis Masson, Emilie Guérel, and Cécile Muschotti. They denounce the division of personnel: ” We want 1,500 euros for all staff including those of accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) and long-term care units (USLD) », They insist. For unions, the equation is simple: identical mobilization, identical premium, not three bonuses as they have ” overdrafts at Chits: 1,500 euros for 40% of staff; 500 euros for 60% of them; and 1000 euros for Ehpad and USLD staff », They warned yesterday morning in a letter to Hubert Falco, chairman of the supervisory board. This supports staff, refuting premiums at several speeds (see below).

All of the staff mobilized, each at their own level, each in their area of ​​competence with a remarkable daily investment “Recall union representatives. They did not hesitate to give a reminder to the Minister of Health on the mobilization of the establishment during the health crisis: ” Organize the opening and management of resuscitation beds in the department in order to increase capacity; manage the Department’s tests through its laboratory; receive and distribute masks and gloves in all health, medico-social and nursing homes

This investment has not escaped the attention of parliamentarians, as MEPs Emilie Guérel and Geneviève Levy have already replied to the intersyndicale. Without this mobilization at all levels of the hospital, ” the establishment could not have been restructured “Would like to recall the representatives of the more than 4,000 staff at the three Sainte-Musse hospital sites in Toulon, Clemenceau in La Garde, and George-Sand in La Seyne. In this fight against the coronavirus, they have invested to take care of the population with or without Covid-19, and exposing themselves to the risk of contamination during this pandemic.

The personnel were not spared

The staff were not spared, underlines the inter-union. 103 agents were found positive at Covid; 126 tested very symptomatic negative with sick leave. All services were impacted by the fact that some patients detected at Covid plus, after several days of hospitalization for other pathologies, did not have the classic symptoms (fever, cough, etc.).

These health professionals did not mobilize and ” invested in the hope of receiving a premium “, Warn the staff representatives. This is ” professional conscience and the concept of service to the public Which explain this investment. And it’s ” because it is their core business that they do not understand and do not admit this distinction in the conditions of award », They insist. They will be sure to remind him of this on June 16 during the great national day of health and social action.

Strike notice for June 16

At the local level, the CGT-FO-CFDT du Chits has planned to file a renewable strike notice with the association of emergency doctors of France (Amuf) Var Toulon-La Seyne.

To weigh in the Ségur de la santé at the national level, and also sign the local ordinance to obtain human, financial and material resources.

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