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For some time unionists have recovered. During this pre-campaign period, the outings are increasing. Worse, they continue to paralyze the various sectors of society to win their case at a time when the activists who had occupied this field for several years turn into silence. Surge of awakening or overbidding in the pre-election period, the question remains unresolved.

After the march of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Senegal (Csa) to protest against the high cost of living, for the dignity of the worker through a work descends and the respect of the various protocols of agreements signed between the workers and the State , other sectors of social life have also organized themselves to make themselves heard.

Thus, for two months, the trade unionists have resumed service. If, the health sector through the Autonomous Syndicate of Doctors of Senegal (Sames), criticized certain steps taken by the Ministry of Health and Social Action on the method of recruitment, on the distribution of equipment in the different establishments of public health, it does not exclude to be expected from one moment to another. In the same wake, the transport unions regrouped in a single entity paralyzed the traffic for three days for the respect of their demands and were able to mobilize more than five ministerial departments in their negotiation. Today, it is around the national education sector. Thus, after a walkout Wednesday, yesterday Thursday December 9, the actors were on full strike. Several events that provide information on the awakening or awareness of their mission.

For Hamidou Diédhiou of the Syndicate of Free Teachers of Senegal (Sels) “trade unionism has never been on the ground”. And Dame Mbodji, secretary general of Cusems / Authentique to inform: “we have sought to do like the transport unions by uniting to update the various demands of education stakeholders who have been validated by the State and whose realization is still a problem. These are the enumeration system, the return of Dmc loans, housing among others ”.

On the new strategy adapted by the trade unionists to be heard, Dame Mbodji advances: “unity is strength. Unionism is still there and very active. Any fight deserves to pose strategies and maybe that is where a lot of people do not find themselves and think that we are in lethargy ”. While some observers analyze the facts as opportunities to be heard in the run-up to local elections, others simply find it a wake-up call. For Malick Ndiaye parents of pupils: “with each approach of the elections, the teachers and the other sectors are in the overbid. Everyone tries to put their demands on the table. The school system is disrupted, the students are in the houses and the consequence every year, we are witnessing a drop in the levels of the students but also of the teachers who are on the same level in the union activism ”.

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