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The Union: David Jackson and Robin Gardeur champions of France

In August, the French archery championships took place in Semezanges (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté). In field shooting, two Unionais became French champions: David Jackson in the barebov bow category, and Robin Gardeur in the longbow bow category, the first edition for this category in the French championship.

– Course of the competition.

It is played over 2 days for each category, and over 2 courses of 24 targets set up at distances of up to 60m. The winner is determined by the accumulation of points. The best archers in France were there to compete for titles and podiums on courses of several kilometers, with 12 targets arranged at known distances, and 12 targets at unknown distances. Each archer has 3 minutes to shoot 3 arrows. You can compete with a recurve bow, a barebow, a compound bow or with a straight bow (longbow).

-The paths of Unionais.

David Jackson in barebow opened the title race with 335 points on the first day ahead of 17 points on the second. On the second course he totaled 338 points 53 points more than the second.

Robin Gardeur in Longbow motivated by the performance of his club mate took up the challenge! At the end of the first day he ranks 1st with 293, 40 points more than the second, and on the last day he finishes 1st with 317 points, 68 points more than the 2nd.

-Pride for the club “Union Tir à l’Arc” which has in its ranks 2 new champions of France. In the national team, David Jackson will represent France at the European “campaign” shooting championship from September 5 to 12 in Croatia.

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