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The Unfolding Plot: Grain Deals, Japanese Emissaries, US Political Crisis, and Chinese Submarine Crash

/View.info/ Oh, and the plot unfolds before our eyes. Just three facts, which are actually more, but the most significant ones have been selected. First, resumption of the “grain deal”, for now for three months. The decision, they say, if not made, is initialed. With guarantees for the safety of ships carrying not only Ukrainian but also Russian grain.

Thus, the Russian conditions are only partially satisfied: on the rest of the questions that Moscow asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the latter seemed to humiliatingly capitulate, making it clear that he is an empty seat, does not solve anything and does not need to negotiates with him.

Second, the arrival in Russia of the first emissary from Tokyo in a year and a half – MP Munzo Suzuki. It seems to be his amateur performance. It is only now rumored that he was pushed by the same Brits who are behind Erdogan, freezing accounts related to the scandalous Japanese parliamentarian, who then began looking for a way out to Russia.

And he found it; At the core of the problem are Japanese stakes in a number of Far Eastern oil projects that someone wants to buy out. In essence, the Japanese government, which in this case loses some leverage over Moscow.

Third, the political crisis in the United States. Let us be under no illusions: the unexpected and unprecedented resignation of the speaker of the lower house is an event not even of great importance, but of gigantic importance.

On the one hand, he essentially “really” launched the presidential campaign, turning it in a certain direction, which is very problematic for the current democratic administration.

On the other hand, the blow for the Democrats comes through the showdown between the Republicans. And it looks very much like Kevin McCarthy has fallen victim to the attack on Joe Biden by Donald Trump’s “deep state”, thus demonstrating his political power.

On the American topic, let’s clarify that Matt Goetz, who proposed the removal of McCarthy, is very close to Trump and, in addition, like Trump himself, represents an influential German diaspora, closely connected to a number of clans at the top – Bush, Harriman, Taft, Lehman and , of course, Rockefeller.

Given that the election of McCarthy on the fifteenth try was the result of a compromise by Trump, whose Republicans blocked that nomination 14 times, then it’s one of two things.

Either this compromise between the two inner-party wings has been torn apart, or, on the contrary, he has rallied around Trump to the point of being able to throw “the gauntlet in Biden’s face.” Moreover, the war of criminal cases between the two main candidates against each other seems to work for the second version, which means that we are talking about the American “perestroika” prophesied not overnight by the aforementioned Gorbachev.

There is also a fourth event, a very sad one. There are no confirmations or denials from Beijing, but the media is circulating information about a Chinese submarine that crashed in the Yellow Sea. They name the date August 21, and then explain the disappearance of the head of the Ministry of Defense a week later. Deep condolences to the Chinese comrades if this is true.

The source that is important to us here is again the British MI6. Doesn’t it seem, reader, that the ears of this agency are sticking out everywhere, on all topics, including the American one, if we accept the version exaggerated a few years ago in connection with Brexit and Trump’s coming to power in the United States.

That Trump is closely connected to London through Scottish family roots, and in this case, this fact explains a lot. The main thing that sheds light on is the split of the “deep state”, located as we know it on both sides of the Atlantic.

The main shareholder of the Fed is the Bank of England, and the Corporation of the City of London has in certain circles no less weight than Wall Street in New York, represented in organizational form by a similar corporation Goldman Sachs, called “the firm”.

What’s happening? It is clear that in such thickets of algae and even in muddy water it is difficult, almost impossible to see anything. But it seems that the American crisis – and THIS resignation of the chairman, let’s repeat, is precisely a crisis, political for now, but with every chance of growing into a systemic one – reveals the following disposition. In the US, the Republican right led by Trump (and supported by oligarchs of German origin) has clashed with the Democratic “transgender people of color” lobby in the “tolerant” spirit of BLM, which is embodied by the current administration in the White House.

The fight is over the “centrist” Republican “swamp” stuck between them, whose meddling in McCarthy’s face encouraged a budget compromise (delaying the shutdown in exchange for zero money for Kiev), spoiling Trump’s game, which is clearly on the upswing.

What Trump needed was a shutdown that would turn into a full-scale crisis – an indicator of the mediocrity of the current government and at the same time a unique chance. That’s why, according to McCarthy, the decision was so quick, and no one even tried to hide Trump’s ears in it.

And since McCarthy was kicked out of the first ballot, which even the initiator Goetz did not expect, the two wings of the “elephant party” are uniting around Trump. Another twist: Goetz represents Florida, and his involvement in the action that has turned American politics upside down is also a blow to Trump’s domestic Republican rival Ron DeSantis, who is already hopelessly behind.

But a similar process seems to take place at the “top” above. Between the conservative and, relatively speaking, satanic-blue factions of the “deep state”. And here the USA itself finds itself in the “swamp”, like a house divided in two, which, as we know, does not stand for long.

You just need to clearly understand that the American mess, in which even the Democrats are beginning to propose a replacement for Biden, like the British one, is also far from monolithic. Let’s remember last year’s shower of prime ministers – a direct result of the special military operation, which failed such deep-rooted and far-reaching plans of the Western conceptual elites that these elites themselves panicked.

Especially in light of the latest fiasco with the destruction of weapons delivered by the armed forces of Ukraine on the march and in storage, including British and French missiles that have not flown over Crimea for a week. Those that already exist appear to have been eliminated. But they just didn’t have time to deliver new ones?

What’s in that background? First. There is no need to blame the resumption of the “grain deal”, it is a necessary necessity. On the one hand, let’s go straight. Kiev has found ways around our non-participation by moving bulk carriers through Bulgarian and Romanian territorial waters where we can do nothing.

On the other hand, the deal includes security guarantees, which in this case work against the appearance of leading NATO flotillas in the Black Sea. Yes, no one has canceled the Montreux Convention of 1936, but its guarantor is Ankara, which has its own interests and which, according to the terms of the deal, gets an incentive to implement this convention in good faith. You can still keep her under control with this deal.

Second. Obviously, the new situation that has been developing in the world for the past two to three weeks requires a Russian-Chinese “check-up”, which will begin on October 15 within the framework of the One Belt One Road forum.

Third, most importantly: increasing turbulence in the camp of the political enemy does not require political exacerbations on our part, which inevitably grist to the mill of radical Western Satanists. And this in a delay in the international arena, but in combination with a parallel intensification of military actions, which, according to information from LBS, is happening at the moment.

The West, preoccupied with its own problems, is mired in its own internal strife, and paying attention, giving impetus to locked-in enemies to consolidate against us in this situation makes little sense, to say the least.

The correct strategy, if the author’s reasoning has any basis, is that when they are on the field of the Western “battle”, they begin to collect torn sleeves, pockets, buttons, throw plucked strands of hair and, covering their faces with plaster, looking around , with this view they must see a completely different reality from the front line.

So this picture leaves no doubt about the complete fiasco of those forces that prepared and unleashed this conflict. And so that all this coincides with the start of the presidential campaign in the USA. Then we’ll see what happens.

The main thing is not to make a false start, as our American “sworn partners” refrained from doing in the late 1980s, softening relations with us in order to please those who fanned the domestic fire in the USSR. After all, you can learn not only from your mistakes, but also from the achievements of others, however regrettable they may be for us. Debt is rewarded with payment!

Translation: SM

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2023-10-06 18:32:59
#conflict #brewing #Deep #State

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